Saturday, 06 July 2024 12:06

Please visit also:


Sultan Sa’ad Muhammadu Abubakar IV, a descendant of Uthman Dan Fodio and the most retrogressive and backward-looking Sultan in all history, despite being a retired Brigadier-General of the Nigeria Armed Forces. Terrorism in Nigeria/all West Africa, more than anything else, is the mindless vision to perpetuate and preserve Arabism, Arabo-Fulanogeddon (Arabogeddon) - the barbarous precedence and legacy of Uthman Dan Fodio in the 21st century and beyond.

DEDICATED to the memory of the Tivs’ gallant soldiers who fought and pushed back the terrorists during the Battle of Ushongo Hills in 1804, thus preventing Uthman Dan Fodio and his gang from reaching East with Islam.

In modern Nigeria, the forces of Islam have been out in the ‘clothing’ of the so-called unknown gun men and women or unknown uniformed men to avenge all Tivs for the gallantry of their ancestors, in fact, all Benue Plateau, North Central GEOPOLIZONE, NE, NW and by extension, all Nigeria, West Africa and continental Africa, aiming to complete bloody enterprise of Sheilh Dan Fodio with funds coming from all UAE and some Muslim majority nations and locally, acting in concert with their local collaborators in high places, the over 500 radical Islamist groups in Nigeria, embassies of Eastern origin and using as it were, local mujahideen with multinational jihadists,  AK-47-wielding Fulani ‘herders’ to seize native Nigerians’ ancestral lands through raiding, stealing, killings, maiming, destroying, dispossessing, replacing and swarming these seized lands with their kind and cattle, and thereafter proceed to kill the indigenous monarchs, renaming these seized lands with new ownership – DAR AL-ISLAM as was the case in North Africa, and subsequently installing Sarkins, graduating therefrom to Ardos and then emirs, answerable ONLY to the Sultan of Sokoto, Brigadier-General Muhammadu Sa’ad Abubakar IV!

Thursday, 30 May 2024 18:23

…. With contributions from other scholars

Native: “An extremely offensive word for someone who lived in a country, especially in Africa, before Europeans went there."


Gods-ruin Akpabio: The Rogue-in-Chief and Headman of the rubber stamp Apex Legislative Assembly in Nigeria (ALA) – one of the purposeless locusts of the All Political Crooks (APC), who are leading the Nigerian people from Gethsemane to Golgotha.

Lest I forget, all the Chairmen/Chairpersons of the Editorial Boards of the media houses in Nigeria should hang their heads in shame for always being snail-like and non-responsive to (burning) national and continental issues. And for the sake of our country, all heading the Editorial Boards in Nigeria in these times of BATxigency and BATgeddon in our land are invited to reflect on the eternal words of wisdom for the sluggard as below:

Tuesday, 28 May 2024 19:02

The Dome of Shame and the Headquarters of the Neo-colonial Apostles in Nigeria.



Is it indeed, a total lack of ideas or just a Leviathanic folly that some amongst us have gone to the universal colonial junkyard, at a time when this writer is working on a project of international magnitude aiming at decolonising the African mind and re-orientating their psyche, including decolonising the African educational system by binning the colonial education the colonialists left Africans with, African languages, cultures, economy, politics, social life, dietary intake/habit, etc, to pick and dust a ‘rubbish’ that had been binned since 1978 to become once again, our national anthem?

That nation has never had it so bad as this time when all the people in government are severally, neo-colonial apostles, having no belief nor confidence in themselves, nor in country nor in all Africa, including things Nigerian and African.

If indeed, despite the magnitude of the challenges facing the nation and the Nigerian people such as BATGEDDON, manifesting in various ways as BAT-suffering, BATflation, BAT-frustration, BAT-depression, BAT-hunger-famine, BAT-trauma, BAT-high cost of living, BAT-high rentals, BAT-suicide, BAT-homicide, BAT-familicide, BAT-femicide, etc, all arising from BAT-bad governance, a new national anthem for Nigeria is the highest priority that the thieves and robbers and their cronies are desperately concerned about, then what is so difficult in calling for a new national anthem that is authentically Nigerian – written/composed with its tune sung by Nigerian composers – singers, musicians, etc?

Tuesday, 28 May 2024 10:13

Check Point Research has identified an ongoing cyber espionage campaign by the Chinese threat actor Sharp Dragon (formerly Sharp Panda). This campaign now targets governmental organisations in Africa and the Caribbean, using highly tailored phishing emails and advanced tools like Cobalt Strike Beacon, replacing their previous custom malware. This reflects a previously reported trend for cybercriminals to target less cyber-mature countries before executing attacks against the West.

Sharp Dragon exploits 1-day vulnerabilities and compromised servers for Command and Control (C2) operations, demonstrating refined tactics and increased operational security. By leveraging trusted government entities to infect new targets, the group enhances its infiltration capabilities. This strategic shift underscores a broader effort by Chinese cyber actors to extend their influence in historically overlooked regions.

Sunday, 05 May 2024 18:07

Whatever happened to the indigenous people of North Africa?




Monday, 22 April 2024 19:14


The Talakawa Revolution

Whilst Aminu Kano had compassion and fought for them, making it his life’s mission, Amoda Ogunlere of Iragbiji, (a.k.a) Bola Ahmed Tinubu Gragra-Buhari treats them like pests, ‘spraying them with pesticides’ whenever they mill around him and sometimes, throwing mannalliatives at them. If dem die whilst picking his Gbamillathieves, o-o, wetin concern am? Na to assemble his campaign team for 2027 through endless political appointments be him priority.

And some people just dey siddon look like Lookman, no fit talk again. And common ordinary letter, they no fit write again, all because na dem tribesman dey inside the glass house. Country burn, somebody dey sell him shiken and mangoro… wetin concern Lagbaja with Jalagba?

Saturday, 13 April 2024 21:46


There is a tide in the affairs of men.
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.

  • William Shakespeare.
Saturday, 13 April 2024 21:41


There is a tide in the affairs of men.
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.

  • William Shakespeare.
Saturday, 13 April 2024 20:37

O God, do not remain silent;
    do not turn a deaf ear,
    do not stand aloof, O God.
See how your enemies growl,
    how your foes rear their heads.
With cunning they conspire against your people;
    they plot against those you cherish.
“Come,” they say, “let us destroy them as a nation,
    so that Israel’s name is remembered no more.”

Sunday, 03 March 2024 20:43

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I was less than impressed. After walking a mere six miles covering two protests, I’d just settled down to watch to watch Manchester City versus Chelsea when I was told that pro-Palestinian supporters had illicitly ‘taken over’ Tower Bridge and the City Police were rushing to the scene.

I had earlier been just a few underground stops away in central London where two fairly innocuous protests had taken place. The first gathered near the BBC in Portland Place and was concerned with the desperate situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo where, reportedly, millions have died over the years.

The Met provided a ‘tape’ lorry which, by ‘rolling out’ tape along the route restricts the protesters the one side of the road. A number of traffic officers on motor-bikes were also provided to facilitate the march.

Tuesday, 23 July 2024 18:19

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Enter, Peter Tosh (with his guitar singing):

Downpressor man

Where you gonna run to?

Downpressor man

Where you gonna run to?


Downpressor man

Where you gonna run to?

All along that day


You gonna run to the sea

But the sea will be boiling


Sleeping Xerxes (Nebucchadnezzar): Hunger on the mountain…. ngrrrr-ngrooo…there’s hunger in the land… ngrooo-groo-groo…ebin npa wao-o-o-o! Ngrooo-grooo-grooo…. NIGERIANS DEY HUNGRY, TINUBU DEY SLEEP… JAGABAN (OF BORGU) SLEEPS AS NIGERIA HUNGERS!


Bayo Onanuga, the Nigerian XL Bully: But is there no one in all Nigeria to tame this ferocious and monstrous XL Bully before he tears our Nigeria into shreds because of food on the table and plunges our country into a national conflagration of immense magnitude/proportion?

Sunday, 30 June 2024 17:24

SOS to all the voices of reason and conscience out there in Nigeria, but will the press in Nigeria wake up and put off this fire before it starts and engulfs all Nigeria, all West Africa and all Africa because what Ayatollah Akintola is set to plunge Nigeria and all Africa into is pregnant?


The Ayatollah Khomeini of Nigeria


Kayode Egbetokun No. 22

Ishaq Akintola, the Ayatollah Khomeini of Nigeria… this satanic religious bigot will bring religious war upon South West and all Nigeria, sooner or later, unless he is stopped from beating his usual religious war drums just to put amala on his second hand family table and satisfy his pay masters, both locally and internationally, who having been sponsoring/financing him to set the machinery in motion for religious war in Nigeria and the subsequent destabilization and destruction our country.

Saturday, 29 June 2024 12:19

(Please visit also:



Awon Omo Naija kan ke nigbati cost of living fo so ke and Naira kan “swagger”; fuel dey “buga”; minimum wage dey do “babaringa”; de economy just dey “dobale” and they are crying bi awon Omode… hun-hun…oshi oda

Nigeria: A Nation in a State of Zero Government and Zero Governance… is there no Government in that Country Anymore, and Why is there no Balm in all Nigeria?

Photo Credit: @aonanuga1956

Obsequious! Objection! Obsequious!

It’s all about Nigeria and understanding the significance, sanctity and the exaltedness of that office, what it confers and expects of the holder – the highest holy ground of service in the country. Thus, the Presidency is not a place for every egboda (Yala, for thoroughly worthless), but an exalted office for the exalted mind. When alive, the great Zik of Africa bowed to every occupier of that exalted office and not the other way round. Kabisa!

“… politics is the natural ‘farm’ of the North and being in government perpetually makes them feel and behave like a shoal of tilapia fish in a village pond.”

Friday, 31 May 2024 13:56


Please visit also:

And Achan answered Joshua, and said, Indeed I have sinned against the Lord God of Israel, and thus and thus have I done:

When I saw among the spoils a goodly Babylonish garment, and two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold of fifty shekels weight, then I coveted them, and took them; and, behold, they are hid in the earth in the midst of my tent, and the silver under it.”

- Joshua 7:20-21

Sunday, 17 March 2024 20:38


Photo: NA

The troops of 181 Amphibious Batallion, Bomadi Local Government Area of Delta State While on peace mission to OKUOMA community in BOMADI LGA of Delta State were surrounded by some community youths and killed on Thursday, 14 March, 2024. The unfortunate incident occurred  when the troops responded to a distress call after the communal crisis between the Okuama and Okoloba communities both in Delta State.

The reinforcement team led by the Commanding officer was also attacked, leading to the death of the Commanding officer, two Majors, one Captain and 12 Soldiers.

Wednesday, 31 January 2024 20:24



                       JOHN ODEY ADUMA

John Odey Aduma is at the Doctoral School of SOAS, University of London.








Saturday, 26 August 2023 00:16


Photo: NAF

So sad, so scandalous, we have been wasting our men and women in khaki for lack of strategy and zero intelligence gathering in the fight against terror for upward of 20 years now!

In tears, yet we join a grateful nation and all the world to salute your patriotism, gallantry, and unparalleled professionalism.

Our thoughts are with your families as we bid you all, one by one farewell, in this your transition home to be with Daddy, until we mee to part no more.

And to all their Ogas, the so-called Generals who do not lead battles from the trenches and war fronts, but from D’bai, five-star hotels in and around the globe, from the comfort of their homes, offices, etc, and yet hang the undeserved ranks of General, the blood of all the dead is upon you and your families until the 1000th generation!

Thursday, 24 August 2023 19:51


 Williams Folorunsho Kumuyi, THE VENERABLE: Ogbuefi, Elder, Eze Gburugburu of Gbagada…is this now the real spokesman for Pharaoh Iragbiji - all the political criminals (APC)…especially the Jingo of Aso Rock, that drug dealer and whited sepulcher occupying the Unity House in Abuja; and all other such criminals – the murderers, the rogues, urban/political bandits, political and commercial kidnappers, joy killers, laugh snatchers, smile killers, fuel snatchers, destiny changers, destiny killers,  killer herdsmen in high places, official terrorists, etc, etc?

O man of God, God expects thee to speak the utmost word of truth to power, especially that whited sepulcher, called Caesar Iragbiji!

Truly, truly, Kumuyi, THE VENERABLE, ye must this week face thy brethren and the nation and tell them whether the Government now in place in Nigeria as illegitimately headed by AMODA OGUN’RE, alias Bola Ahmed Tinubu is of God or of Satan.

Monday, 21 August 2023 22:18

In continuation of his lament for Nigeria, JOHN ODEY ADUMA today, commends the *indefatigable efforts of Their Lordships, especially the Penta Judges who have been working round the clock, going through all the case files of the February 25th Presidential Election petitions, and reminding them of their sacred  oath of office, adding they should bear in mind that their services are not to any human being, but to God, fatherland, humanity and posterity.

Monday, 07 August 2023 23:57

“Therefore, she should always, whether in moments of anger or tranquillity, comport herself as an ambassador for peace, unity, justice, destined to spread love to every little corner of the globe, starting from her own very little corner.”

"Could Lioness golden girl Lauren James miss the rest of the World Cup? England star striker is automatically suspended for quarter final for Beckham-style stamp - but she risks longer ban if FIFA impose further sanctions (," accessed: 07/08/2023.


"Heartbroken Lauren James' dressing room response after England star's World Cup red card - Mirror Online", accessed: 07/08/2023.


"Could Lioness golden girl Lauren James miss the rest of the World Cup? England star striker is automatically suspended for quarter final for Beckham-style stamp - but she risks longer ban if FIFA impose further sanctions (," accessed: 07/08/2023.


I began my journalism and writing careers as both a college journalist and a budding writer in 1977 at the Great Aladura Comprehensive High School, Anthony Village, Lagos, Nigeria, in addition to being trained at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Ife, Nigeria as a literary critic and scholar, between 1985 and 1989. Therefore, these long years of practising journalism and writing automatically qualify me as a veteran journalist as well as an established writer, more so, a published author, whose latest work is titled: Be a Beacon of Hope in the World: A Message to Young Britain.

Also, by these long years in the journalism profession, I’m able to discern when something is not right in a news item of whatever platform, be it the conventional or the social media. Both early morning and afternoon of Monday the 7th of August 2023, having been waiting very anxiously for the result of the match between Nigeria’s Super Falcons and England’s Lionesses, although not a soccer enthusiast, in between my very busy schedules, I was on and off my favourite Channel, Sky, but instinctually as the result after the result had been announced, I sensed something was not right as after they had told the viewers the result of the match, they merely concentrated on the interviews their Correspondents had in Brisbane with England fans.

So, I began asking myself: “Why are they showing just the interviews with the fans and not the actual scenes of the match?”

Also, in the philosophical realm, I was asking, “Is Sky not willing to show the Nigerian players because everybody was praising them and concluding that the Nigerian players gave a very good account of their soccer dexterity.

As the reader would bear me witness, the Western Media generally, hardly report anything positive about Nigeria, and by extension, continental Africa – “is this then the reason Sky is not showing the scenes of the match?” I had again asked myself.

Having no answer to offer myself, I afterward left my residence for a walk as is customary of me to do, at exactly 17:-00 UK time, and came in at exactly 20:00, UK time.

Taking my seat, I said a short prayer and then switched on my TV to Channel 233. Lo, and behold, on there, was a snapshot of the very ugly, barbaric, and bestial scenes, where whatever be her name – Lauren James aggressively and bestially stamped on the back of Ms Michelle Alozie. But did she think the civilized world would applaud her jungle-like bestiality?

Expectedly I screamed out: “Why(?)!” “Why? (!)” “Why? (!).

Whilst waiting for the full story, I quickly raced back ‘home’ – to see how Nigerian newspapers have reported those scenes, but not surprising, in all the papers I had checked – The Guardian, where I had worked and shone as a Staff Reporter, The Punch, where I had also worked, Vanguard, The Cable, Sahara Reporters, The Daily Post, none has reported the Laurenian or the Jamesian bestiality or brutishness or aggression/violence.

Excepting, The Guardian, the other papers mentioned above, had no story on the Match between the Falcons and the Lionesses, unless the story was tucked somewhere on the Sports page.

As an enthusiastic and a close watcher of the media in Nigeria, I can confirm that the news gathering business of the media in Nigeria is still pre-historic in nature, and to put it very mildly, analogic!

The rapidity or the lightning speed with which Western media change news items 24/7 in the Internet Age is totally lacking amongst the media in Nigeria. Yet, in passing this verdict on my colleagues back home, I must say that with all sense of responsibility, I arrive at this conclusion, taking cognizance of all the constraints that they often do face 24/7, in comparison with their Western media counterparts, including non-payment of salaries, which has  made many a journalist in Nigeria compromised themselves - doing cattle egrets, MORE BLESSINGS SAH (!) and political attachments.

But can any editor in that country worth their salt issue written queries to their reporters/correspondents why they were all far, far behind in reporting the ongoing FIFA Female World Cup Tournament in Brisbane like their counterparts in the West as in the Age of the Internet – 24/7 news coverage era, news outlets/sources have widened and expanded beyond any human imagination?

And regarding Ms James, firstly, I have so many things to say to her, but I will hold back because I belong to the two great Countries – Nigeria and Great Britain, and I have come to see my self over the years as an ambassador for the two great nations.

But why did Ms James do that which she did to her own very natural sister, the Atlantic, notwithstanding?

Some people have explained her barbarism as the result of fatigue or stress and frustration, but does not wisdom counsel self-restraint and circumspection during the heat - the frustration of the moment?

Secondly, because of her age as in my roots, which too unarguably, is Ms Lauren James’ roots, although, most persons of African ancestry on this side the Atlantic can go violent if you link them with their original/authentic African roots – in which case, like others of her ilk, she too is either in denial of her African roots or she has lost it for a mess of pottage like the Biblical Esau - she is still a mere child.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lauren Elizabeth James (born 29 September 2001) is an English professional footballer who plays as a forward for Women's Super League club Chelsea and the England women's national team.

Early life and education

Lauren Elizabeth James was born on 29 September 2001 in London.[2] She is of Grenadian and Dominican descent through her father, and English descent through her mother.[3][4]

She attended Whitton School in Whitton, London.[5]

Lauren James - Wikipedia, accessed: 07/08/2023.

Thirdly, why did the Sky news not show the scenes of the Laurenian aggression against her own very biological sister/cousin very early enough?

Fourthly, the best antidote for that bestiality of hers is not a global condemnation as such, but an invitation home to Nigeria/Africa by both Ms Michelle Alozie and ReBAT (Remi Bola Ahmed Tinubu), who like her husband is regarded by this writer as the ILLEGITIMATE FIRST LADY OF NIGERIA (IFLON) as this will reconnect Ms Omowale Lauren James to her African roots, because right now, she is a mere pendulum, hanging between the sky and the earth, but belongs to neither, just like others of her ilk, among whom are our brothers and sisters on this side of the Atlantic, who prefer bearing Asian and Western names to African names, and would never, ever have anything to do with Africa/Africans!

The purpose of the joint invite by first, Ms Michelle Alozie, and ReBAT is to give Ms James a proper home training, starting with lessons in proper manners that will make her fit into the human society – the lessons should include teaching her how to be both human and humane, so that henceforth, she will learn how to treat her fellow human beings as she would herself love to be treated, including receiving a great lesson in SELF-IDENTITY, which should be extended to every Caribbean and all persons of African descent, who never accept their AFRICAN ROOTS, AFRICAN IDENTITY OR AFRICANESS, and by so doing, ignore the eternal wisdom of Brother Peter Tosh: “No matter where you come from….”

Lastly, Lauren must learn that more than competitive religions that have over-emphasised the differences in human society, sports, and foremost, soccer, has united the world and all humanity more than anything and anyone else.

Therefore, she should always, whether in moments of anger or tranquillity, comport herself as an ambassador for peace, unity, justice, destined to spread love to every little corner of the globe, starting from her own very little corner.

Yet, the heavens will not forgive me, if I fail to ask Ms Lauren James this one question on behalf of our ancestors and posterity: WHAT STORY/INFORMATION DOES SHE HAVE ABOUT AFRICA/AFRICANS?

But will she after this ugliness, embark on a mea culpa, and enlist herself as both a beacon of light and hope for and in the world?

And let all the world join me to confess: Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.


Oya, Brother Tosh, come sing for our sister, Omowale Lauren James o ja re:

Don't care where you come from
As long as you're a black man, you're an African
No mind your nationality
You have got the identity of an African

'Cause if you come from Clarendon
(You are an African)
And if you come from Portland
(You are an African)
And if you come from Westmoreland, you're an African

So don't care where you come from
As long as you're a black man, you're an African
No mind your nationality
You have got the identity of an African

'Cause if you come from Trinidad
(You are an African)
And if you come from Nassau
(You are an African)
And if you come from Cuba, you're an African

So don't care where you come from
As long as you're a black man, you're an African
No mind your complexion
There is no rejection, you're an African

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'Cause if your 'plexion high, high, high
If your 'plexion low, low
And if your 'plexion in between, you're an African

So don't care where you come from
As long as you're a black man, you're an African
No mind denomination
That is only segregation, you're an African

Cause if you go to the Catholic
(You are an African)
And if you go to the Methodist
(You are an African)
And if you go to the Church of Gods, you're an African

So don't care where you come from
As long as you're a black man, you're an African
No mind your nationality
You have got the identity of an African

Cause if you come from Brixton
(You are an African)
And if you come from Weesday
(You are an African)
And if you come from Wingstead
(You are an African)

And if you come from Bronx
(You are an African)
And if you come from Brooklyn
(You are an African)

And if you come from Queens
(You are an African)
And if you come from Manhattan
(You are an African)

And if you come from Canada
(You are an African)
And if you come from Miami
(You are an African)

And if you come from Switzerland
(You are an African)
And if you come from Germany
(You are an African)

And if you come from Russia
(You are an African)
And if you come from Taiwan
(You are an African)


Peter Tosh – African Lyrics | Genius Lyrics. Accessed: 07/08/2023.

Monday, 24 October 2022 12:59

“If in 2003, recent history regarding their sordid experiences, shame, embarrassment, and acute agony in Umaru Musa Yar’Adua and Muhammadu Buhari do not serve as great lessons to them such that they keep away from that exalted and hallowed ground of service, kleptocrats, sickly and demented men and women without a sound mind in a sound body, all the world will remember Nigeria and the Nigerian people perpetually as a nation of unserious and foolish people who delight in living in pains, suffering and smiling.”

Monday, 08 August 2022 17:36

Please visit also:

Series 4

Continuing the serialization of his latest book, “The Crimebuster: The National Operational Pocket Notebook for Policing  a Multi-cultural, Multi-Lingual and Multi-Racial Polity”, JOHN ODEY ADUMA in this series, reassures the nation and all the Nigerian people, home and in the diaspora that no matter how long the blood-lettings, the unpleasantness and frustrations of the moment; no matter the darkness of the moment; the topsy-turvy of the moment; the ontological disequilibria of the moment; the distresses of the moment, the agonies of the moment; the terrors of the moment, accompanied by their dangers – AK-47 and every weapon of mass destruction; the disillusionments, disenchantments, discontent and the despondency of the moment; the disgruntlement, wailings and the mourning of the moment, WE SHALL OVER COME, and OVERCOME WE SHALL.

Therefore, my fellow Nigerians, fear not, for the Nigerian story shall be told under the theme: the good, the bad and the beautiful.

My dear fellow Nigerians, again, I say to you: fear not, for we will prevail, and deep down in my heart, I do believe, Nigeria will prevail. Yea, our country will prevail someday!

Thursday, 07 July 2022 17:05

Please visit also:



Excellency, ….” security gives way to conspiracy.”


IGP Usman Alkali Baba. In all honesty, in the fight against terror in Nigeria, if Baba and his team are equipped to international standards, they can rid the nation and all West Africa of Islamist terrorists in a jiffy. The nation has tried all else and failed, she must now therefore, swallow up her gargantuan pride and invite the USA, UK, France, Israel, Canada, Australia and all ECOWAS to help her in this now protracted war on terror so as to rid our nation of the children of blood and merchants of death. Thus far, all the nation's good-for-nothing security chiefs have been doing in the last 7 (+) years is to compete for who sits on the right hand side of the C-in-C, stealing money meant for fighting terror and other crimes in our Nigeria, whilst leaning their heads on his shoulder to kiss him and be fragranced by him!

And in the fight against terror and other crimes in our Nigeria, six things are wrong, viz:







As promised, we have as our patriotic response to the ever-worsening security situation in Nigeria, ECOWAS, Africa and in the world started the serialization of my new book “The Crimebuster: A Handbook of Policing” still in manuscript for the global policing, security, and defence community, particularly the Nigerian security agencies.

In the book the author has brought to bear his 17 years of extensive experience in international security, hoping it would help to enrich and arm the global security community with the most effective way of policing, especially in multi-cultural, multi-lingual, and multi-racial polities.

It is thus expected that all the Security Chiefs in Nigeria, and those in the nations, including their officers in the frontline would avail themselves the opportunities this vision/project offers in the enrichment of effective and strategic policing skills in the frontline and in the expansion of the policing knowledge frontiers, offering as it were, useful insight into the root causes of crimes in tandem with economies on the wheels in the nations of the world, particularly in Nigeria, and by extension, Africa, Asia, Europe and in the Americas.

Monday, 20 June 2022 00:14

Please visit also: www.vigilance-securitymagazine


“The Federal Government of Nigeria must ensure BE A BEACON OF HOPE IN THE WORLD…is in the hands of every Nigerian youngster in schools, colleges, academies and in the universities to address the prevailing zero morality amongst this generation of young people in Nigeria, some of whom are now into various crimes, terrorising the Nigerian people and the world.”

Monday, 06 June 2022 20:31

Please visit also:



Let us do so. For we are at the stake

And bayed about with many enemies.

And some that smile have in their hearts, I fear,

Millions of mischiefs.

  • William Shakespeare, Julius Casar, Act 4, Scene 1, Line 55.


Haba, Mallam…. action! Action! Action!

Zer bandits under ya bed…

Aso Rock surrounded, wake up, Mallam!

Mallam, wake up!

Series: The Philistine are all over you, O Nigerians!

“We are zoning to zone the unzoned, surmounting the surmountable.”

  • Kingsley Ozumba Mbadiwe, a Nigerian politician and statesman.



(PART 40): Porous borders and national security in times of national emergency and unparalleled adversity

“Our flag shall be a symbol

That truth and justice reign…One Country, One People, One Destiny, One God


“…. sail on, O Ship of State!
Sail on, O Union, strong and great!
Humanity with all its fears,
With all the hopes of future years,
Is hanging breathless on thy fate!”

  • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • Mummy, when you get back to Nigeria, tell my people to remain one in unity. Tell Nigerians to remain one in love, tell my Plateau people that they must remain one. Tell my people to imbibe unity, peace and love."
  • - The last words of Chief Daushep Solomon Lar, through his wife, Mary Lar to his Plateau people, the Middle Belters and Nigerians in general.


“What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.”



THE LAND GRABBERS’ LAST-MINUTE RUSH: MB, stop these rampaging and very desperate land grabbers prowling all over Nigeria now!

Because I have spent the last 33 years of my life repeating myself over and over on the self-same subject matter, this Idiot’s Guide of mine will here be presented in a form of EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR THE BLAH, BLAH, BLAH GENERAL:

  1. Kick-start the process of education or re-education aimed at persuading, encouraging the nomads to embrace sedentism against the backdrop of the current Nigerian and global reality.
  2. Build multipurpose ranches.
  3. Designated shelters/settlements for the pastoralists and their cattle ONLY in the North.
  4. Provision of basic needs for the nomads, their families and animals aimed at bringing them to modernity properly.
  5. Feeds for their animals – open up the grass economy (home grown) and not imported grass please – whether from Cambodia, Brazil, and other Latin American countries) or in the West or from Asia, for it is sheer madness and crass stupidity to import grass as animals’ feeds from abroad!
  6. Establish Vet Clinics to treat their animals.
  7. Hospitals, community clinics, dispensaries, surgeries within their commune
  8. Build modern or state of the art abattoirs
  9. Build allied/subsidiary factories side by side with the livestock farming or animal husbandry economy.
  10. Build community sports centres
  11. Build Community town halls
  12. Build Ultra-modern markets
  13. Build Retail Parks/Business Centres/Shopping Centres/Business parks.
  14. Water for both the community and animals, but how? Wells?
  15. Review and reconstruct existing mega dams such as Tiga and Challawa Gorge dams to be replaced by pockets of smaller dams and make water available to the herders, their animals, the downstream people, traditional farmers for use in their fadamas, etc.
  16. Halt the fast-disappearing fadamas/traditional farming in Northern Nigeria, and in the South too, as able-bodied men and women have been migrating to cities – and those staying back in the villages prefer to trade in provisions/beverages instead of continuing with the trade of their forebears. FAMINE HAS ALREADY BERTHED IN NIGERIA!
  17. Again, identify as many towns/urban areas as possible and upgrade them to cities or potentially viable Local Government Areas can apply to the Federal Government after relevant legislations have been enacted and be upgraded to cities, starting especially from those former Provinces which have not yet been upgraded to state status, especially Ogoja (Ogoja City or The City of Ogoja), Ijebu City or The City of Ijebu, Umuahia City or The City of Umuahia formerly the seat of the Government of Eastern Region of Nigeria), Onitsha City or the City of Onitsha, Warri City or the City of Warri, etc. As a matter of fact, the nation must aim at spreading development and infrastructure, nothing in the constitution that says all MDAs, including those at state level must be cited in capital cities. I used to live in London, but since moving out of London, I have never missed it for one bit nor are there anything in London, that I cannot get where I now live in. This is what is called planning and development. A situation where all rural areas in Nigeria are now empty, but the cities overcrowded is not good for the health of the nation nor for its economy – and unarguably, our planning and developmental strategies serve as a catalyst for criminalities. Any government that is serious should build 12 new cities – two each in the six Geopolizones of the country within its two terms in office. And towards this, huge sums of money can be earmarked for this vision, having special votes – THE CITY CREATION AND DEVELOPMENT FUNDS (CCDFs).
  18. Spread all the MDAs across Nigeria – stop being stupid perpetually! Be wise, be creative, be innovative, be inventive, be imaginative; concentrating all CNI in Abuja or in capital cities have grave security implications!
  19. Also, all States capital should be given special status such as FEDERALTERITORY (FT)/FEDERAL PROTECTED ZONES (FPZ) or Greater…Authority with each having an elected Mayor and Officers, who together with his team should be Federal Officers. For example: GREATER CALABAR AUTHORITY, GREATER KANO CITY AUTHORITY, GREATER PORTHARCOURT AUTHORITY, etc., etc.
  20. Embark on extensive national tree planting programme all over Nigeria, especially in the North to halt the seemingly intractable and aggressive march of the desert fires – desertification.
  21. Monitor the Northern Poligeozonal spaces to avoid bush/wildfires.
  22. Discourage use of massive pumps by owners of mechanized farmers, who of course, are the Generals, emirs, top level serving and former civil servants and other elites/businessmen and women, etc.
  23. Embark on aggressive building of green belts/shelter belts/wind breaks, etc.
  24. Establish meat processing factories.
  25. Establish milk processing factories, both small and large scales.
  26. Establish vocational/life’s skills academies.
  27. Introduce family planning for, and amongst the pastoralists, including all Nigerians to check the current run-away population growth. The habit of indiscriminate births/procreation/breeding must be considered by all Africans as having passed their use by dates, including polygamy which has been encouraging all sorts of disrespect for the womenfolk. Going forward, the natural and commonsensical rule should be breeding with restraint, consideration for the environment, with responsibility, breed-feed and train – THE BREED, FEED, TRAIN SYSTEM/FORMULA. Muhammadu Buhari and his ilk in the blah, blah, blah APC Government must be made aware that investment in human capital is as equally important as ‘laying’ white elephant projects here and there in the name of building infrastructure as an evil hen would in an African village, laying eggs here and there, only for vipers to devour. What is more, that international Almajjri called Muhammadu Buhari, who is always at the World’s Beautiful Gates, perpetually asking for ‘alms’ (loans) must be told in clear term that it is an exercise in crass stupidity to mortgage a people’s future, just because he wants an unearned and sensational headlines from the press in Nigeria in the name of making giant strides in the building of infrastructure all because he naively thinks, once infrastructure are in place, the people will take care of themselves. Again, infrastructural development must go pari passu with human capital development.
  28. Establish loan schemes for the herders and upstart business owners under the National Upstart Businesses of Nigeria (NUBON) in partnership with financial institutions and organizations.
  29. Build the largest abattoirs in the whole of ECOWAS, in addition to establishing the West African Meat market. In a Lecture delivered by Major General Muhammadu Buhari in year 2000 in his capacity as the President of the West African Cattle Breeders Association (WACBA), he said the whole of ECOWAS then boasted of over 400, 000, 000 herds of cattle. If this was the case, why was the Murtala Muhammed Government busy importing the so-called “Murtala meat” from abroad in the 70s? And why do all West Africa still import beef from abroad? How stupid! In like manner, even though the continent is surrounded by waters – streams, brooks, rivers, lakes, wetlands, seas, oceans, African countries still import fishes and all other sea foods from abroad. Why? Why, eh? Eh, why?
  30. Again, how stupid! Or there are no fishes in African waters? No fishes in African waters?
  31. We have before us a virgin economy, all that is required from all of us is to think outside the box. Also, why do some Nigerians rush outside the country to celebrate, hold conferences/meetings/summits/weddings/birthdays in Dubai, London, New York, including shopping abroad? Is it the spirit of adventure or sheer stupidity? Why can we not have our own DUBAI, INSTABUL, HONG KONG, SINGAPORE, SEOL in Nigeria to attract the rest of the world to our Nigeria?
  32. In this day and age, our night time, weekend, Sunday and public holiday economies are still nil – highly disjointed, disorganized and uncoordinated, and we don’t know how much each generates nor do we have the daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly statistics of how much each state, LGA and each GEOPOLIZONE generate per second, per minute, hour, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and monthly -and which state, LGA and POLIGEOZONE generates the most income during the times referenced nor any such statistics sector by sector, and profession by profession nor those of secondary schools, colleges and the universities economies. For example, which university, schools, colleges generate the most income monthly or we have been cursed perpetually to scramble for allocations from the centre in the name of the so-called NATIONAL CAKE, turning all Governors especially, to EXECUTHIEF ALMAJIRAI, sitting on every President’s hallway for the so-called NATSHANAL CAKE to be dropped into their bowls by the President’s Chief of Staff?!
  33. What are the pubs, bars, cafes, restaurants, snacking economies like in Nigeria?
  34. Again, as I keep saying, the university is just a pathway out of the countless pathways of life that abound in Nigeria, Africa and universally.
  35. Again, WANTED: Graduate cleaners – those who do cleaning so well to later set up FACILITIES MANAGEMENT COMPANIES, graduate pepper grinders, bread sellers, pure water sellers, mushroom sellers, vegetable growers and sellers, poultry and pig farmers, graduate bakers, graduate kunu sellers, graduate pepper soup sellers, graduate conductors, graduate fish mongers, graduate butchers/meat sellers, graduate moi-moi sellers, graduate kerosine sellers, graduate akara sellers, graduate groundnuts/peanuts sellers, graduate sugar cane sellers, graduate dry cleaners, graduate suya sellers, etc, etc.
  36. And don’t forget my cottage thinking philosophy: START SMALL AND GROW BIG – this is what cottage thinking is all about, and you don’t want to commit the same old mistake amongst Nigerians of renting posh offices and expensive cars when they want to start any form of business as you can start any type of business from anywhere – back of car, car boots (start car boot market in your local area/community), garage, motor park, inside molue, inside toilet, inside church, in a one-room apartment, boys quarters, at bus stops, living room, bed room, verandah/hall way, parlor, school environment, roadside, in and from a hut, on top of trees, inside water, on top of mountains, hills and valley, etc., etc., but ensure whatever you sell, will not bring God, yourself, family and the nation any form of shame. And may the Almighty God crown your efforts as you want to take a step by not scorning your humble start/beginning.
  37. What is the state of car boot sales economy in Nigeria?
  38. How about truck/wheelbarrow sales economy – starting and selling in wheelbarrows?
  39. Formulate a national policy with a law backing it to start the much-needed Nighttime Economy (NTE), Weekend Economy (WE), National Holidays Economies or Festival Economies (NHE or FE), Sunday Economy (SE), High Streets/Broad Street Economy (HE/BE), etc. Ahead of time, what appropriate security measures and infrastructure will be put in place before the take off?
  40. SECURITY VOTES – Since all state governors have come to see and regard SVs as freebies, money for their concubines, free money for their girlfriends, free money to buy private jets, free money to buy expression of interest forms for political office, and then go on to classify such expenses under miscellaneous, free money to feed their unbridled dissipated lifestyles, it is here to be suggested again that a ministry should be created to be known and called: FEDERAL MINISTRY OF SECURITY & SAFEGUARDING (FMSSG) to henceforth take custody of all the security votes to be under the Presidency.
  41. The EFCC and ICPC should collect all the billions that were collected from ALL THE POLITICAL CROOKS in the country by their parties in the name of expression of interest and actual buying of forms, hand them over to the Government to use them to build vocational academies and build community libraries in all the constituencies and LGAs of the country – 774 in number.
  42. And since all the Almajirai are now so stupendously wealthy through begging that they can buy form for GEJ, they should start to help themselves by way of establishing schools, vocational academies and build factories for themselves because God helps those who help themselves and also, charity begins at home.
  43. But where from did Ichabod Gbolahan Bakare get the N100, 000, 000 he had used to buy the expression of interest form to contest for Prezdent? Would that this money was given to the poor labouring for him and his natural family in their ‘family factory’. Were EFCC and ICPC set up only to be chasing the likes of Abdulkareem Ango Okorocha and such other political crooks or they are meant to look into the cupboard of pulpit crooks and other persons of ill-gotten wealth too and find the many skeletons therein?


  • Christmas
  • Boxing Day
  • New Year’s Day
  • Valentine’s Day
  • Easter
  • May Day/Labour Day
  • Children’s Day
  • Mother’s Day
  • Father’s Day
  • Democracy Day
  • Sallah
  • Ramadan
  • New Yam Festivals
  • Veganmas
  • Pridemas?
  • Independence Day
  • Cyber Monday
  • Black Friday
  • Democracy Day
  • Children’s Day
  • Labour Day
  • Army Day, etc.

Can the Office for National Statistics of Nigeria (ONSON) tell the nation where we are presently in the national retail economy regarding the above NATIONAL RETAIL CALENDAR (NRC), and in comparison, with the global retail calendar and economy, including the above microeconomies?


The Greeks of yore were wont to be advising their young ones thus, with the African saying: KNOW THYSELF (not Socratic please), in addition to asking them to: OCCUPY YOUR MIND WITH SERIOUS THINGS. In like manner the nation must henceforth begin to occupy the minds of her children and youngsters with SERIOUS THINGS if we are to get out of our current insecurity and all other mess facing her right now.

And if you want to stop banditry and all forms of terrorism, STOP THEIR FLOW STATIONS/SOURCES OF SUPPLY. Then engage them!


Lest I forget, what will MAMA YUSUF be remembered for, better still, how does she want to be remembered? Has sister Dubai like an evil hen in an African village just been laying eggs all over the place these past seven years or she will want history, the Nigerian people, the world, and posterity to remember her as a mere Jack/ress of all trades and master of none? Whoever stole the words: CONCENTRATION AND CONSOLIDATION from her dictionary?

Perhaps, like her husband, hers too will be regarded as THE EIGHT WASTED YEARS?


Again, just how will MAMA DUBAI be remembered and for what? Simply as MAMA DUBAI?


In particular, let all Nigerian youths in the North, almajirai included, who cannot proceed to the university, go and learn a trade like their counterparts in the South. Truth is that 99.9% of the trades/handwork in Northern Nigeria are done by the Southerners, that is why even Ardo Bayero, the late emir of Kano whilst he was still alive, whenever all Ndigbo and all South closed their shops during crises – be they political or religious, the entire North would be grounded. Once the effects of that closure began to bite very hard, the emir would be everywhere begging Ndigbo and all South to come out and open their shops for people to buy food stuff and enjoy essential services once more.

TIME FOR NORTH TO SHINE THEIR EYES in the area of apprenticeships, vocational and life skill’s acquisition such as mechanics, electricians, plumbers, gardeners, bicycle and bike repairers, watch repairers, radionics, bricklayers, carpenters, painters, hairdressers, cobblers, pedicures, manicures, hair dressers, etc., etc.

What is more, let GUMINESTY’S FOREST BOYS and all the members of the BUHARI BRIGADE (BB) put down their guns and then go and learn trade/handwork or plant trees or embrace MODERN EDUCATION (not Western education as there ought not to be such a thing as it is not only the Western world that have contributed to knowledge and learning from the earliest times when man began to settle down till now – the term WESTERN EDUCATION therefore is a misnomer, hence my coinage MODERN EDUCATION or UNIVERSAL or GLOBAL EDUCATION or GLOBAL OR UNIVERSAL LEARNING/KNOWLEDGE) if they want to be competitive.


But why have we abandoned the art of storytelling in modern Nigeria when before the modern writing art, this was one of the countless number of ways we kept records and transmitted information and history, whether micro or macro history? By this writer’s reckoning, this untapped industry could be worth trillions of pounds annually if well explored using stories to open all events including weddings, telling stories in marketplaces, on buses, trains, and other socio-politico-econo-cultural intercourses, including travelling band of storytellers, solo storytellers, having stories in songs or embedded in songs, etc.

What is more, having stories in writing form, oral, audio-visual, audio, on all the social media platforms, having them on DVDs, CDs, kindles, etc., etc.

Henceforth, Governments, blue-chip companies, individuals, groups, organizations should start featuring storytellers and poets as apart from promoting indigenous cultures and perpetuating them for posterity, it will go a long way in jobs and wealth creation. In trying to solve unemployment problems in Nigeria, thinking outside the box is here highly recommended – and there are many talents out there. What is more, there isn’t a Nigerian/human being out there without at least a talent by which they can earn their daily bread without having to depend on the government or anyone else in society.


Study their modus operandi of striking – whenever anybody, group/organization/institution or Geoplolizone criticize/s MB or his Government– see how they go to work. Since there are no longer security agencies in that country, I call on fellow Nigerians to study their pattern of attacks?

It is verry sad, yet ridiculous that in Nigeria, the security agencies do not arrest bandits, terrorists and other violent people or criminals, rather it is bandits who (now) arrest every Nigerian and take them into captivity to be imprisoned nor do honest people in Nigeria arrest criminals (?), not even doing citizen arrest, but it is the self-same bandits and other criminal elements, both local and aliens that (now) arrest honest people – abduct and kidnap them for ransoms.

But when a three-member band of bandits get a ransom of $800, 000, 000.00, from their victims’ agents or relatives, where do they bank this Ogbonge money – inside the ANT HILL OF THE SAVANNA BANK, of course?!

And it is also a truism that bandits are aliens from far off Jupiter, they never fall sick, they never go to hospitals when injured during a face off with the security fifle nor do they go to markets nor live amongst people

Nigeria, we hail thee!




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***You can now order JOHN ODEY ADUMA’S new book BE A BEACON OF HOPE IN THE WORLD: A MESSAGE TO YOUNG BRITAIN from here: or as below:

Published by AUSTIN MACAULEY PUBLISHERS UK, one of the fastest growing publishing companies in the world, the book was released to the global public on the 4th of January 2022, and it is currently being sold by AMAZON, TELEGRAPH BOOKS, AUSTIN MACAULEY PUBLISHERS, ABE BOOKS, and a host of other bookstores, which include:

Waterstones, WHSmith, Gardners Books, BAM (Books-A-Million, Indie Bound, INGRAM, Barnes & Nobles, nielsen, Bertrams, etc, etc.





One of God’s workmanships in His service, that of country and humanity.



** *The Voice of One crying in the Diaspora…proudly leading the NATIONALISTS UNITY MOVEMENT OF NIGERIA (NUMON).


God bless our Nigeria.

Please take a pause and listen – source: Bob Marley - Everything's Gonna Be Alright - YouTube.

Good morning, fellow Nigerians and all friends of Nigeria, worldwide!



Why does one youngster stab another with a knife which they will never, ever dare to stab themselves with? Why are our young people killing themselves without thinking of the pains and sorrow such barbarism and bestiality will leave their loved ones with for the rest of their lives? Why do some young persons - members of the same community prey on one another with such jungle-like ferocity in the nation’s cities? Why, why are there now so many of such gruesome, purposeless, wicked and unwarranted killings in the nation’s cities as if Britain is now a land that devours its children? More worrisome is the fact that when they are hacked to death so young, what happens to their dreams, visions, goals and aspirations?

Heart-rending as these painful questions are, Be A Beacon of Hope in the World: A Message to Young Britain does not attempt to offer answers to these puzzles arising from the untimely deaths of Britain’s children through knifings. However, it seeks to act as a guidepost, compass and a Sat Nav to point young persons in the direction of the good way and on the path of civility, decency, common sense, humaneness and universal altruism, whereupon they are expected to have respect, first for themselves, for others and for all of life’s forms. Therefore, let the alarm bell which this book has triggered off to warn all young persons in Britain and the world over that to live in the fast lane is to die young, reverberate through the vista of time.

Enter, Bob Marley singing:

…..everywhere is war
Me say war

War in the east
War in the west
War up north
War down south
War – war…

Sunday, 22 May 2022 22:51

Yo! Jagaban of Borgu is coming…. run, run…Commot for road, Jagaban dey come!

Source: Bullion Van: EFCC Asked To Probe Tinubu - The Premier News

A Tinubu, not an Awo: BAT aggressively promoting freebienomics, godfatherism, gerontocracy and pedestrianism

BATnomics is all about Tinubunomics, and Tinubunomics is all about Owambeism, and Owambeism is all about Bullion-vanomics and Bullion-vanomics is all about Freebienomics, and Freebienomics is all about stupid benevolence.

Making everything free within the Nigerian system is uncreative, unimaginative, uninnovative, uninventive dependence on Bullion-vanomics, generating nothing and expecting no revenues – no revenue (generation) into the economy, (yet) giving out everything to the (Nigerian) people free of charge, including supplying oil, the mainstay of the nation’s economy away free to all who (may) need/want and demand them. And parodying the immortal expression of Bill Clinton, this economy indeed, is very “stupid”!

Thursday, 28 April 2022 15:00

This flag shall be a symbol of their their hope, doggedness, resilience and determination to conquer the present evil with love, for perfect love casteth out all fears, even in these perilous times. And Ukrainians shall prevail as all will soon be over. Glory to Ukraine!

Junior Lucifer, Patriarch Kirill, the leader of Russia’s Political Church…in every respect, complicit in the ongoing barbarity and genocide in Ukraine, being carried out by vampiric Vladimir Putin and his very ferocious beasts/savage wolves. But what would Jesus do at a time like this?

Putin, the Anti-Christ. To hell with your oil, Vlad! Watch all the world turns to the P4:19 oil which never goes dry nor is subject to diminishing returns. It is common knowledge that hunters who have lost their C sense, do often shoot themselves in the foot!


The return of ‘Might is Right”, but is the world not yet tired of this Putintainment to respond in the language he understands? Asks JOHN ODEY ADUMA.

Sunday, 03 April 2022 19:07


“I think your book is excellent. In an ideal world, that book should be given to every head-teacher in the country. If I were a head I'd pick three messages every week and display them prominently, say in the entrance and /or assembly hall so every pupil could see them.



Thursday, 24 March 2022 21:11

My fellow Nigerians, I tell you the utmost word of truth, unless your unity surpasses that of the Niger and Benue, ye shall lose the political kingdom of Nigeria, realizable only by giving every Nigerian their due.

Ezekiel 3:18. "When I say to the wicked, ‘You will surely die,’ and you do not warn him or speak out to warn the wicked from his wicked way that he may live, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand."
Ezekiel 3:20. "(When) a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and I place an obstacle before him, he will die; since you have not warned him, he shall die in his sin, and his righteous deeds which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood I will require at your hand."
Ezekiel 33:6. "(If) the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require from the watchman’s hand."

Ezekiel 33:8. "When I say to the wicked, ‘O wicked man, you will surely die,’ and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require from your hand."

“United we stand, divided we fall”, and “Unity in Diversity”, JOHN ODEY ADUMA here echoes two very popular and age-long dicta to again warn the Nigerian people of the danger in casting out from the top echelon of the Nigerian polity and regarding Ndigbo perpetually as Osus not to be companied and associated with within the Nigerian Federation. In this his continuation of his Ndigbo Presidential Project 2023, now in its 4th series, Mr Aduma is reiterating that national unity includes being conscious, acknowledging and recognising the fact that our diversity must go hand in hand with the nation practising and applying justice,  fairness and universal altruism to all its citizenry, especially in all that it thinks, says and does.

Also, under this campaign and project of his, he is reminding his fellow Nigerians to to cultivate and embrace national large-heartedness of give and take, live and let live and what is good for the Fulanis, the Hausas, the Kanuris, the Shuwa Arabs, the Arabs, the Yorubas and the Ijaws is equally good for other Nigerians, North and South, including Nidgbo. He therefore, prays and wishes the Nigerian state to do the right thing because it is the right thing to do and right every wrong of the past against Ndigbo and all of her citizens, whilst he is at the same time calling on God, all of humanity, friends of Nigeria worldwide and the children of the coming generations of Nigeria to bear witness to the fact that Nigeria today stands at a crossroads and equally at a threshold between correcting the errors of the past and keeping their country intact or foolishly continues with the status quo and cause things to fall apart:

Above everything else, Mr Aduma wonders if he would be able record for posterity the Nigerian people know what is right and know how to do the right thing when the right time comes for them to do the right thing because it is right to know what is right and know how to do the right thing when the right time comes for them to do what is right to right every wrong of the past?

And those who genuinely know the right thing and how to do the right thing and when to do the right thing will not necessarily wait for others/some people to teach them to do the right thing and subsequently encourage them to do the right thing, how to do the right thing and when to do the right thing because they want them to do the right thing because it is the right thing to do the right thing and in doing the right thing, do the right thing rightly well and at the right time/season and at the right place and for the right reason/purpose.

Thursday, 17 March 2022 12:00

In story, very aggressive, shameless, and paranoid elephant.


In the story, the innocent cricket attacked unprovoked by the elephant.

Putinism vs. Humanism: The ‘entertainer’ lone wolf and paranoid cowardly loner who has been ‘entertaining’ all of humanity in his theatre of violence unchallenged by the world. But I must here again warn all the leaders of the world, most especially, the Bishop of Rome that a very desperate, humiliated lunatic such as this demon is capable of anything, including forcing the 4th World war on mankind, not 3rd World because we already have the 3rd World war ongoing in the internet/cyber/digital war, which again, Putin’s Russia and Xi Jinping’s China are the notorious warriors.

Friday, 23 December 2022 12:36

Every country has different concerns when it comes to cybersecurity - new data reveals which cyber attacks each country is most worried about and what prevention methods are needed. 

The tech industry is undergoing a period of disruption - with mass layoffs and leadership changes impacting online security. IS Decisions, a global software company specializing in security, has released research showing what cybersecurity issues are causing the most concern worldwide by analyzing Google data.

Friday, 23 December 2022 12:25

Research by GlobalData also reports that Brits have spent £8.7 billion in Black Friday sales, with tech gadgets being one of the most popular buys.  

However, according to One Sure Insurance, gadget theft is rising, with a laptop stolen every 53 seconds in the UK. With that being said, the team has used search data to reveal the gadgets that are least likely to be insured this Christmas by comparing Google search insurance figures for November. 

Monday, 26 July 2021 13:45

Smart Parent's Guide to Youth Gun SafetyWith a firearm in one-third of American homes with children, it's very likely that, as a parent, you’ve thought about gun safety for your child. This statistic comes from Asking Saves Kids (ASK), a national campaign that encourages gun safety – something that may seem intense for a child, but is absolutely necessary.

Children are naturally curious. To learn about the world, they gravitate toward the new and interesting, especially things that often get portrayed as "taboo" like drugs, alcohol – and guns. Though it can be a nerve-racking discussion, an important part of preparing your child to be an adult is teaching them how to think about guns when they do encounter one, whether it’s in your home or someone else’s. The ASK campaign promotes one simple idea to help with this conversation, which is to ask one very critical question: "Is there an unlocked gun in your house?

Parents and caregivers need to ask this important question before deciding whether to send a child to someone’s house to play. Conversely, if children are coming over to your house, it’s also important to tell the child’s parents that you keep a gun in the home. Keeping kids safe takes communication by everyone involved.

Tuesday, 12 February 2019 18:03





Saturday, 30 April 2016 11:25

Nneka on the marble

Nneka Ozoka was born, educated and grew up in Lagos, Nigeria's former Capital City, now highly politicised and very much divided.

Monday, 09 November 2015 11:33

Sad tale of the Chief Cop who's stuck in medieval and colonial policing...policing ONLY with the POLICE without commonsensical policing and strategic thinking! At best, Ehigiator does his policing by burying his head in the SEA! Before going to Louis Edet House, SEA had left his head in Sapele, his birth place, hence criminals in Nigeria are sucking him like a ripe mango in Oredo Local Government Area, because they well know SEA and his equally very uncoordinated and headless team are merely flapping their wings before the invading hawks like a group of headless chickens in SAPELE.

Thursday, 06 August 2015 13:19

"Stop this witch-hunt!" Fayose warns General Snail

Some of those who sponsored the President’s election have not done any other jobs apart from holding public offices. Yet, they provided private jets and funds with which the President campaigned across the length and breadth of Nigeria. He should let Nigerians know where they got money to buy private jets and the several billions of naira spent on his election.

Wednesday, 03 June 2015 08:43

This essay is akin to setting up the Yin (the dark negative feminine principle in Chinese dualistic cosmology) before the Yang (the bright positive masculine principle), is a prelude to my ensuing piece which will enumerate ample investment/business opportunities in Nigeria.

A shrewd entrepreneur will agree that some of the challenges discussed herein are themselves, business opportunities. Whilst the Nigerian business terrain promises very good return on investment to the savvy and patient; please quickly suck it in that doing business in Nigeria is not for the faint-hearted, but for the resilient and tough-minded.

Tuesday, 12 February 2019 03:12


…between a nation’s two most objectionable alternatives – Judas of Daura and Barabbas of Adamawa



"Every General in Nigeria, whether serving or retired, whether war General or a Disco-Brukutu-Pepper Soup General such as Tukur Buratai, who has been jumping about with a band of treacherous officers and men, deceiving himself, the nation and the world that he has been fighting terrorists – should all hang their heads in shame for collectively allowing our nation’s strategic defence to be so exposed as very, very weak, grossly deficient and inefficient, hence very incapable of withstanding any form of external aggression as just a band of miscreants has held the Nigerian nation to ransom for upward of 15 years now."

Tuesday, 20 October 2015 16:01

Photo: Nigerian Media

Cross River State governor, Professor Ben Ayade, inspecting formation by men and officers of the Nigerian Police in Calabar, Cross River State. Photo: Nigerian Media

So you wanna hire police for your next party? Go see the DPO, give him 2p and take as many police as you can!

There is no country on the planet earth where police abuse by every LAGBAJA & JALAGBA is prevalent as in Nigeria. Police officers in Nigeria do not merely suffer verbal abuses in Nigeria hurled at them by most ungrateful Nigerians who think the business of policing is as cheap and easy as a man selling pepper soup (a Nigerian delicacy) and Ogogoro (Nigerian gin) at AJEGUNLE REPUBLIC.

Sunday, 19 July 2015 18:47


Executive Editorial which is intended as a summary of burning national and international issues is the brain child of the EDITORIAL BOARDS OF VIGILANCE AND SCORPION to draw the attention of the nation's rulers to sensitive national issues in a concise manner and as the two Boards' inputs to the governance of Nigeria.

Friday, 29 May 2015 14:36


Mr President booking on with all seriousnes that BUHARISM & THE FIERCE URGENCY OF NOW deserves!

The new President addresses the nation..."Beneath our night a sun awaits us," - Otto Rene Castillo.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015 21:11

23"Take away from Me the noise of your songs; I will not even listen to the sound of your harps. 24"But let justice roll down like waters And righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. Amos 5: 23-24.

...The Mai Kunu-Ngbati Alliance From 1817 Till The Present And The Scramble for Nigeria Under Bad Loser Muhammadu Buhari

(Part Two)

The Plot is on: Forces of neocolonialism thinking of the right time to reposition themselves at the heart of the Nigerian matters...despite its sovereignty as they lost out during the Goodluck Ebele Jonathan's inglorious years, courtesy of GEJ's stupidly of adhering to the Africa-China Alliance spirit without putting on his thinking cap...Military Base/s, Strategic Defence, Gay rights...marriage amongst others. Oga Buhari na Times Influential Person now...more baits such as addressing Parliaments, Congress, UN, Nobel Prize nominations? Country people, make una just keep these in view, don't be in a hurry, just hold your peace bo...

More Dogs' and Baboons' Blood...? Forces of jihadism, Arabism, theocracy and neofeudalism - the very forces fueling religious crises in Africa since the 7th Century and in Nigeria, especially since Uthman Dan Fodio till the very present...BOKO HARAM and Others.

Thursday, 23 April 2015 16:17


Against all odds, the 2015 Presidential election initially billed for February 14, but rescheduled to March 28, has come and gone. General Muhammadu Buhari, the APC candidate secured a total of 15,424,921 million votes (53.95%) to defeat incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan who garnered 12,853,162 votes (44.96%). Wall Street Journal says, "Buhari’s upset of incumbent President is arguably the most consequential political event in Africa in the last decade”.

Monday, 20 April 2015 21:07

....The Mai Kunu-Ngbati Alliance From 1817 Till The Present And The Scramble for Nigeria Under Bad Loser Muhammadu Buhari

(Part One)

Ethnicist/Regionalist Muhammadu Buhari contested to rule Nigeria whilst being a Co-Patron of the regional assembly Arewa Consultative Forum with four other former Heads of State/Presidents such as Yakubu Gowon, Shehu Shagari, Ibrahim Babangida, Abdulsalami Abubakar and Atiku you think an arch ethnicist/regionalist/religious bigot like Buhari will be fair to all Nigerians? But why was his candidature not voided when it is well known he is a highly partisan and divisive figure?

Monday, 09 March 2015 20:50


“Justice is the constant and perpetual wish to render to every one his due”

Justinian I

The Message of the Almighty God to the Caliphate delusionists and their cronies, North and South of Nigeria.


Thursday, 11 September 2014 15:43


For the interest of the uninitiated and to further appreciate the subject, a definition and brief introduction suffices. Simply put, a foundry is an industrial unit where metal castings are produced, usually in large quantities. The process basically involves casting metals into desired shapes by melting them in a furnace (generally at very high temperatures) and by pouring the metal into a mold and removing the mold material or casting after the metal must have solidified as it cools. Two major types of foundries are: jobbing foundry and captive foundry. The first is a foundry that creates a wide variety of castings, in small quantities for a range of customers. The second type i.e. captive foundry is a foundry that that is wholly incorporated into a larger manufacturing operation. Captive foundry only produces castings for the operation that it is a part of. Commonly processed metals include : aluminum, cast iron, bronze, brass, steel, magnesium, zinc etc.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014 16:10


Envisage Nigeria in the mould of a profit-oriented business concern where the CEO headhunts, assigns specific tasks to the staff. Staffer boasts s/he will deliver results within record time but several months, even years down the line, geezer starts finger pointing and buck passing. In the aforementioned context, a typical CEO wastes no time before firing, replacing such flippant employee(s).

Tuesday, 25 February 2020 15:42



If there is a critical discourse on the front burner currently in Nigeria, it is on unrelenting insecurity – pervasive kidnap for ransom and extortion, overwhelming banditry, resilient and resurging Boko Haram attacks on soft/hard targets, seeming helplessness of Nigerian security agencies, especially the military and deafening calls for the Service chiefs to voluntarily, honorably throw in the towel or be sacked. The secretary to the government of the federation (SGF), Mr. Boss Mustapha says ‘’you don’t just wake up and sack people like that, there are processes and I believe that, at the ‘opportune’ time, those processes will be followed. This suggests that the service chiefs who have served their tenures may not be replaced anytime soon. The aforesaid statement credited to the SGF and an Op-ed on Africa Briefing by a professional colleague – Mr. David Otto titled, ‘’Changing Nigeria’s military leadership at the height of Boko Haram/ISWAP attacks is a tactical suicide’’. Nigerians are being slaughtered, kidnapped in their numbers every day. Someone please tell the commander-in-chief that the ‘opportune’ time is now. There's a fierce urgency to be decisive now!


Sunday, 24 November 2019 21:26


Terrorism is generally defined as the deliberate use of violence against non-combatants for political reasons. Examples of organizations that have been accused of terrorism include Al-Qaeda, the Irish Republican Army, Boko Haram, Hamas, Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, and Al-Shabab, among others. Some groups have rejected the view that they are terrorist organizations. Palestinian organizations deemed terrorists in particular argue that since all adult Israelis receive military training and are able to use weapons, there are no real adult non-combatants in Israel. Therefore, they reason, all Israeli adults are legitimate targets for bombings or shootings.

Wednesday, 01 April 2015 20:54

1 Corinthians 1:10 Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.

11 For it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015 20:43


Free, fair and peaceful election are requisites of a democratic society through which citizens cast their votes to usher in a particular political party or politicians of their choice based on the convictions of the electorate. This ideal situation is far-fetched in many evolving democracies such as Nigeria where pre- and post-election violence stifles the very cornerstone of democracy: freedom of choice, civic participation, accountability, rule of law and trust in state officials and institutions.

Tuesday, 22 November 2022 19:53

By Husam Dughman

A woman partially uncovers her hair. Members of a vice squad (called Guidance Patrol) arrest her. They insult her. She fires back, refusing to be disrespected. They beat her badly. She falls unconscious. She later dies. What was her crime? Uncovering some of her hair. Really? Whose human rights does that violate? Insofar as the actions of Iran’s Islamic Republic are concerned, political persecution is not a crime. The perversion of the rule of law is not a crime. Widespread corruption is not a crime. Favouritism, cronyism, and nepotism are not a crime. The violation of human rights is not a crime. The partial exposure of a woman’s hair…… Now, that is what the Ayatollahs call a crime.

Friday, 19 August 2022 10:05

By Husam Dughman

The civilized world, most especially the literary world, has lately been shocked and devastated by the news of the horrific attack on Indian British author Salman Rushdie in New York. Rushdie had for a long time been the target of a fatwa (religious edict) issued by the late Ayatollah Khomeini in the wake of the publication of Rushdie’s book The Satanic Verses in September 1988. The fatwa had called for Rushdie’s death, and the Iranian government offered over three million dollars to anyone who could carry out that (mis)deed. That was 33 years ago. With the passing of time, along with the Iranian government’s distancing of itself from the fatwa in subsequent years (although it was never revoked), it seems that Rushdie had felt gradually less and less fearful, prompting his subsequent emergence from his long years of hiding. Not only that, but Rushdie had begun to feel so secure and unthreatened that he started to go to various interviews and meetings without any special security to protect him. The German magazine Stern, which had interviewed Rushdie not long before he was attacked, has stated that he had gone to the interview unaccompanied by any personal guards, and that he later stated in his interview with that magazine that his life had become “relatively normal.” It appears that Rushdie followed the same pattern of behaviour when he went to give a lecture at the Chautauqua Institution in New York on the 12th of August 2022.  According to eyewitnesses, the hall where Rushdie was to deliver the lecture did not have much in the way of security preparation: No bags were searched, and no metal-detection equipment was in place. All people could see was a couple of men- a state trooper and a county sheriff’s deputy- who were apparently providing general crowd-control security, but not much beyond that. Rushdie’s attacker took full advantage of what seemed to be a seriously compromised state of vigilance which resulted in a considerable lapse in the implementation of strict security measures at the said venue. He rushed onto the stage and lunged at the author, stabbing him multiple times, including stabs in the neck and abdomen, before staff and members of the audience finally managed to overpower him.

Monday, 26 July 2021 13:06

When Alexander Parkes invented the first thermoplastic in 1856, he probably had no idea how pervasive his invention would become in the centuries that followed. Today, thanks to the invention of injection molding, plastic is used in almost any industry you can imagine, including manufacturing, packaging, construction, education, transportation, and healthcare.

The use of plastic in manufacturing has been expanding exponentially since it was introduced over one and a half centuries ago. For example, by 2018, the production of plastics on a global scale reached almost 360 metric tons. It is expected that over a billion metric tons of plastics will be produced by 2050.

From the numbers above, it’s clear that plastic will continue to be an important part of the manufacturing process. Consequently, processes like injection molding will continue to play a significant role for those who want to manufacture thousands, if not millions, of products with plastic components.

In this article, we follow the history of plastic and injection molding. We start by focusing on the events that led to the invention of plastic as we know it today. The article will then focus on the invention of the first plastic molding machine and how the technology has progressed since then.

Wednesday, 07 July 2021 23:11
john wayne

John Wayne is an American Hollywood icon every bit the equal of James Dean or Marilyn Monroe. He is also a man from another era, a man whose conservatism came as naturally as walking down the street. Affectionately known as “The Duke,” he spent three decades as a top box office draw with 179 film and television credits to his name.

Sunday, 19 July 2020 13:15

My Dear Britannia,


I have just watched a policeman in GREAT Britain on Sky News kneeling on a man’s (suspect’s?) neck and I started screaming: UNBRITISH! UNBRITISH! UNBRITISH!

Monday, 11 February 2019 19:24



…between a nation’s two most objectionable alternatives – Judas of Daura and Barabbas of Adamawa


“Russia has landed on the moon, the U.S.A. too has landed on the moon and China has just landed, but Nigerians can’t even feed themselves and govern themselves yet at a time when the re-colonization debate is ongoing in the West.

What occupies the minds of the babies called Nigerians are what they can eat, wear, the latest exotic cars and technologies, marrying many wives, partaking in the National Cake Extravaganza, endless partying (Owambe), Obitos, wealth without working – money, money, money, appearances, dumping one girl and going for another, moon sighting as directed by the Sultan of Sokoto and other emirs, the niqab/hija wahala, hunting for miracles, where they can live, accolades and approval of society.”

Tuesday, 30 October 2018 15:06


Chad has ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in 1995, more popularly known as the Women's Convention is the international women's rights treaty that spells out women's rights and obliges governments to ensure respect for these rights. However, it's still not sure whether there are some Chadian women know that if Chad ratified the optional protocol to CEDAW or the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa, better known as the Maputo Protocol.

Tuesday, 08 August 2017 11:47


Never in the history of all polities and democracies had a party so enjoyed a 100% goodwill as the APC did, whilst campaigning  and on actually capturing power, but gone ahead to squander it on the altars of complacency, incurable crass insensitivity, divisiveness, authoritarianism, politcal aggrandizement, vendetta, grandiose greed/avarice, nepotism, regionalism, stupendous corruption, favouritism, hereditary privilege, religious bigotry, violence to national psyche and actual blood-lettings, cultural ethnocentrism and imperialism.

Sunday, 08 May 2016 18:44

As the potentate of the ancient city of Kano, SLS points his accusing finger at the Yorubas for being the troublers of the Nigerian Federation, he must not forget that four fingers are pointing back at himself and his ilk - the caliphate delusionists, and by extension, his own Fulani ethnic nationality that have continued to hold the nation by the jugular since independence. And what is more, under the current Hausa-Fulani Government as led by Muhammadu Buhari, a supra Fulani irredentist like Sanusi himself, the whole of the nation's five fingers are pointing at his nomadic cousins for their bestial tendencies, brutishness and monstrosity!

Thursday, 06 August 2015 12:04

Non-caliphate Nigerians seem to have no clue what time it is in their history. They are unaware that they have arrived at the fateful junction where, depending on how they vote on Feb 14, they will either go into slavery for untold generations to come, or set out on a path to liberation. They have sleepwalked into their moment of fateful decision. If they don’t wake up now, they could vote themselves into slavery. But if, by some miracle, they are startled or shaken awake, they have a chance to vote their way out of the slavery path on which they have been for 70 years.

My task today is to help them see that such is the case. In the first section “Discourse on our mumu”, I shall explore why most Nigerians have been oblivious of what the basic struggle in Nigeria has been about since 1945. I shall then, in the section “2015 Election issues”, examine the issues that are dominating this election. And show why the peoples of the New South should not allow themselves to be conned into voting for Buhari, the Caliphate candidate.

Monday, 25 February 2019 15:31



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Dear reader,

To help save lives and prevent a disaster greater than the Nazi death camps, the Cambodian killing fields and Rwanda combined, can you spare a minute of your precious time? Please share this message as widely as you can and help it to go viral on social media. That’s the most likely way for it to reach the endangered peoples and governments of the ECOWAS region.

Please see the attachment.

Thanks and bless you,


Monday, 11 February 2019 12:22



Wake up, Fellow Nigerians


As observed in many of my writings since 1989, this national malaise is due to the type of educational system the British colonialists left Africa with on their departure from the shores of Africa – learning by rote, just learning how to read and write. Thus, Nigeria’s educational system and by extension, the African educational system lacks aims and objectives – lacks purpose, focus and devoid of any philosophical and ideological foundations.

Tuesday, 05 February 2019 21:06




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01 Feb 2019

Fulani Lebensraum genocide and the 2019 election

And what has the 2019 election got to do with it? The 2019 election is key to the Fulani retaining the state power for completing their Lebensraum genocide jihad.  

The only effective protection for us South and Middle Belt Nigerians is to partition Nigeria, between the Fulani Caliphate’s Shariyaland and the rest of us; and to do so before the 2019 election, which Buhari is set to rig, so that the Fulani Republic of Nigeria has no jurisdiction over our lands. Only then will any further Fulani attack (whether by Boko Haram, Fulani Herdsmen, Fulani militia; the Nigerian army, air force and navy etc.) on any community in the Middle Belt and South, become an attack across international boundaries and therefore an act of international aggression that will trigger Chapter 7 intervention by the UN Security Council to stop it.

All other proposed solutions to Nigeria’s problems, and especially to the killings, are obsolete. Armed resistance by ill equipped ethnic militias like OPC, Massob, Niger Delta Avengers, is obsolete; any internal constitutional solution, including True Federalism, is obsolete: Restructuring in particular is obsolete.

Lack of the time for carrying them out before the Fulani genocide juggernaut completes its mission has made them obsolete. The only remedy is the immediate partition of Nigeria, with Chapter 7 intervention by the UN.

Saturday, 03 February 2024 22:20

"Had Israel, Hezbollah and Hamas

Shown such an unparalleled restraint,

The Middle East would not be

The field of blood that it is today.

Had the US and Britain not lapsed into

Conspiratorial etcetera in the resolution

Of the war between Israel and Hezbollah

That senseless war would have ceased long ago."




 “Come,” they say,

“let us destroy them as a nation,

so that Israel’s name is remembered no more.”

  • Psalm 83:4
Saturday, 03 February 2024 20:20

The land here is not for grazing

nor for colony,

nor for your habitation.

And you are not a part of the land here,

so are not part of our heritage and inheritance

Therefore, go away!

Friday, 19 May 2023 18:14


Francis, the political Pope.

Welby, the political Archbishop.


In the Age of Francis and Welby,

Long years of peace taken for granted,

plunged Europe into a war before their very eyes

Because of the cobweb-filled altars

And dusty holy books in their Cathedrals of Etcetera.

Thursday, 20 April 2023 19:08


Francis, the political Pope

Welby, the political Archbishop


In the Age of Francis and Welby,

Long years of peace taken for granted,

plunged Europe into a war before their very eyes

Because of the cobweb-filled altars

And dusty holy books in their Cathedrals of Etcetera.


In the Age of Francis and Welby,

all the nations kicked God out

of their hearts and national agenda

And binned Him in their national junkyards

And all the world regressed to the State of Nature.


In the Age of Francis and Welby,

the world at daggers drawn,

Liberty snatched and love and compassion

intractably took a flight to the Darkest Blackness

When hope was murdered, and dreams shattered;

Life miserable and laughter in flight

And wars took over!


In the Age of Francis and Welby,

Famine took over our world

And some resort to flesh and body parts trade -

And selling their children to fence off famine,

Whilst others eat grass to survive.


In the Age of Francis and Welby,

Violence everywhere,

Youth violence,

Gun violence,

Stabbings, maiming, destructions, killings,

Youth preying on youth as beasts in a jungle -

Black on Black;

White on Black;

Black on White

Brown on Brown;

White, Black on Brown

White, Brown on Black

Brown on Black and White;

Men on Men

Men on women

Women on men

Women on women

Straights on LGBQ+


LGBQQIA+ on Straights

Lone wolves prowling about world cities

For whom to attack.

Cells, cells everywhere,

All over West!

But security have gone AWOL!

And terror, tyrants, and dictators

 over our world taken -

A world recreated by lords and masters.

The 21st century is the Millennium,

the two watchmen of the vineyard

Went a sleeping and not a fishing, snoring loudly,

Whilst wolves in sheep clothing raided the vineyard

Stealing the sheep, with some scattering

All over the mountaintops, hills, and valleys

And all the world forced to Gethsemane,

And then to Golgotha, and then to limbo

Awaiting His Second Coming.

The shame of the Age of Francis and Welby,

The political Pope and the political Archbishop!

  • APRIL 21, 2022.


  • JOHN ODEY ADUMA, British Chevening Scholar, publisher of Vigilance – The World’s Leading Security Magazine, Scorpion News Corp, and author of the bestseller: “Be a Beacon of Hope in the World: A Message to Young Britain” was formerly Executive Secretary, Foundry Association of Nigeria, (1997-2000), National Coordinator, The Pastoral Resolve, (General Muhammadu Buhari’s Pastoralists NGO; and Chairman, Editorial Board of the Daily Times of Nigeria Plc, 2000-2003.
Wednesday, 19 April 2023 19:17

“…. are there iniquities in our world?”




Topsy-turvy, scatteration –

Unnaturalness! Unnaturalness!

Accommodation, accommodation,

       Tolerance, tolerance,

And every aberration tolerated

in the name of political correctness.

       “Another gospel”, “another gospel”

The rich, richer and the “Least of These”

Impoverished by the day and overtaxed,

Monday, 13 February 2023 12:23


“…like over the dark cloud,

the sun will shine over

Turkey and Syria again.”


O Turkey,

O Syria,

Have you both been brought so low,

Reduced to a mere rubble,

And humbled in just a matter of moment?

Wednesday, 25 January 2023 20:17

A Reflection

True love

Is God-centred

True love is white.

Sunday, 23 October 2022 20:59



Momma got me a bar of Liz Fizzy ice cream

And told me to read the direction for use

Before starting to leak it,

Warning me to open the wrap slowly and with care,

Not “too fast, too “far”,

Nor in a hurry as a Noah running to enter the Ark.


Monday, 12 September 2022 15:27

Please visit also:


See the source image

Elizabeth Alexander Mary Windsor, Her Majesty The Queen


Queen Elizabeth, mother of many nations

And once Queen of the world during the British empire.

As your birth into nobility was predestined,

So was your noble role in world affairs.

Ever since your coronation in 1953, Elizabeth,

You have in quiet dignity bestridden

World affairs like a colossus

With world leaders quaking

Before your awesome presence.

Though the British empire be dead and buried,

The world still stands in awe of your power and majesty.

Thursday, 08 September 2022 22:26

  Please visit also:                          

   A Special Tribute to Her Majesty The Queen, Elizabeth II

                   BY JOHN ODEY ADUMA

                                  Adieu, Ma’am


O Ma’am,

O Your Majesty, The Queen

O Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor

O Lilibet!

Be a Beacon of Hope in the World


Our Aims

  • To expose all levels of corruption in Nigeria, especially official corruption and by so doing ensure probity and accountability in every sphere of the Nigerian life.
  • To within the body politic stir up the spirit of nationalism amongst Nigerians aimed at pushing back the tides of ethnic chauvinism, tribal jingoism, religious bigotry, oligarchism, cronyism and nepotism.


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