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Enter, Peter Tosh (with his guitar singing):

Downpressor man

Where you gonna run to?

Downpressor man

Where you gonna run to?


Downpressor man

Where you gonna run to?

All along that day


You gonna run to the sea

But the sea will be boiling


Sleeping Xerxes (Nebucchadnezzar): Hunger on the mountain…. ngrrrr-ngrooo…there’s hunger in the land… ngrooo-groo-groo…ebin npa wao-o-o-o! Ngrooo-grooo-grooo…. NIGERIANS DEY HUNGRY, TINUBU DEY SLEEP… JAGABAN (OF BORGU) SLEEPS AS NIGERIA HUNGERS!


Bayo Onanuga, the Nigerian XL Bully: But is there no one in all Nigeria to tame this ferocious and monstrous XL Bully before he tears our Nigeria into shreds because of food on the table and plunges our country into a national conflagration of immense magnitude/proportion?

SOS to all the voices of reason and conscience out there in Nigeria, but will the press in Nigeria wake up and put off this fire before it starts and engulfs all Nigeria, all West Africa and all Africa because what Ayatollah Akintola is set to plunge Nigeria and all Africa into is pregnant?


The Ayatollah Khomeini of Nigeria


Kayode Egbetokun No. 22

Ishaq Akintola, the Ayatollah Khomeini of Nigeria… this satanic religious bigot will bring religious war upon South West and all Nigeria, sooner or later, unless he is stopped from beating his usual religious war drums just to put amala on his second hand family table and satisfy his pay masters, both locally and internationally, who having been sponsoring/financing him to set the machinery in motion for religious war in Nigeria and the subsequent destabilization and destruction our country.

(Please visit also:



Awon Omo Naija kan ke nigbati cost of living fo so ke and Naira kan “swagger”; fuel dey “buga”; minimum wage dey do “babaringa”; de economy just dey “dobale” and they are crying bi awon Omode… hun-hun…oshi oda

Nigeria: A Nation in a State of Zero Government and Zero Governance… is there no Government in that Country Anymore, and Why is there no Balm in all Nigeria?

Photo Credit: @aonanuga1956

Obsequious! Objection! Obsequious!

It’s all about Nigeria and understanding the significance, sanctity and the exaltedness of that office, what it confers and expects of the holder – the highest holy ground of service in the country. Thus, the Presidency is not a place for every egboda (Yala, for thoroughly worthless), but an exalted office for the exalted mind. When alive, the great Zik of Africa bowed to every occupier of that exalted office and not the other way round. Kabisa!

“… politics is the natural ‘farm’ of the North and being in government perpetually makes them feel and behave like a shoal of tilapia fish in a village pond.”



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And Achan answered Joshua, and said, Indeed I have sinned against the Lord God of Israel, and thus and thus have I done:

When I saw among the spoils a goodly Babylonish garment, and two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold of fifty shekels weight, then I coveted them, and took them; and, behold, they are hid in the earth in the midst of my tent, and the silver under it.”

- Joshua 7:20-21


Photo: NA

The troops of 181 Amphibious Batallion, Bomadi Local Government Area of Delta State While on peace mission to OKUOMA community in BOMADI LGA of Delta State were surrounded by some community youths and killed on Thursday, 14 March, 2024. The unfortunate incident occurred  when the troops responded to a distress call after the communal crisis between the Okuama and Okoloba communities both in Delta State.

The reinforcement team led by the Commanding officer was also attacked, leading to the death of the Commanding officer, two Majors, one Captain and 12 Soldiers.



                       JOHN ODEY ADUMA

John Odey Aduma is at the Doctoral School of SOAS, University of London.









Photo: NAF

So sad, so scandalous, we have been wasting our men and women in khaki for lack of strategy and zero intelligence gathering in the fight against terror for upward of 20 years now!

In tears, yet we join a grateful nation and all the world to salute your patriotism, gallantry, and unparalleled professionalism.

Our thoughts are with your families as we bid you all, one by one farewell, in this your transition home to be with Daddy, until we mee to part no more.

And to all their Ogas, the so-called Generals who do not lead battles from the trenches and war fronts, but from D’bai, five-star hotels in and around the globe, from the comfort of their homes, offices, etc, and yet hang the undeserved ranks of General, the blood of all the dead is upon you and your families until the 1000th generation!


 Williams Folorunsho Kumuyi, THE VENERABLE: Ogbuefi, Elder, Eze Gburugburu of Gbagada…is this now the real spokesman for Pharaoh Iragbiji - all the political criminals (APC)…especially the Jingo of Aso Rock, that drug dealer and whited sepulcher occupying the Unity House in Abuja; and all other such criminals – the murderers, the rogues, urban/political bandits, political and commercial kidnappers, joy killers, laugh snatchers, smile killers, fuel snatchers, destiny changers, destiny killers,  killer herdsmen in high places, official terrorists, etc, etc?

O man of God, God expects thee to speak the utmost word of truth to power, especially that whited sepulcher, called Caesar Iragbiji!

Truly, truly, Kumuyi, THE VENERABLE, ye must this week face thy brethren and the nation and tell them whether the Government now in place in Nigeria as illegitimately headed by AMODA OGUN’RE, alias Bola Ahmed Tinubu is of God or of Satan.

In continuation of his lament for Nigeria, JOHN ODEY ADUMA today, commends the *indefatigable efforts of Their Lordships, especially the Penta Judges who have been working round the clock, going through all the case files of the February 25th Presidential Election petitions, and reminding them of their sacred  oath of office, adding they should bear in mind that their services are not to any human being, but to God, fatherland, humanity and posterity.

“Therefore, she should always, whether in moments of anger or tranquillity, comport herself as an ambassador for peace, unity, justice, destined to spread love to every little corner of the globe, starting from her own very little corner.”

"Could Lioness golden girl Lauren James miss the rest of the World Cup? England star striker is automatically suspended for quarter final for Beckham-style stamp - but she risks longer ban if FIFA impose further sanctions (," accessed: 07/08/2023.


"Heartbroken Lauren James' dressing room response after England star's World Cup red card - Mirror Online", accessed: 07/08/2023.


"Could Lioness golden girl Lauren James miss the rest of the World Cup? England star striker is automatically suspended for quarter final for Beckham-style stamp - but she risks longer ban if FIFA impose further sanctions (," accessed: 07/08/2023.


I began my journalism and writing careers as both a college journalist and a budding writer in 1977 at the Great Aladura Comprehensive High School, Anthony Village, Lagos, Nigeria, in addition to being trained at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Ife, Nigeria as a literary critic and scholar, between 1985 and 1989. Therefore, these long years of practising journalism and writing automatically qualify me as a veteran journalist as well as an established writer, more so, a published author, whose latest work is titled: Be a Beacon of Hope in the World: A Message to Young Britain.

Also, by these long years in the journalism profession, I’m able to discern when something is not right in a news item of whatever platform, be it the conventional or the social media. Both early morning and afternoon of Monday the 7th of August 2023, having been waiting very anxiously for the result of the match between Nigeria’s Super Falcons and England’s Lionesses, although not a soccer enthusiast, in between my very busy schedules, I was on and off my favourite Channel, Sky, but instinctually as the result after the result had been announced, I sensed something was not right as after they had told the viewers the result of the match, they merely concentrated on the interviews their Correspondents had in Brisbane with England fans.

So, I began asking myself: “Why are they showing just the interviews with the fans and not the actual scenes of the match?”

Also, in the philosophical realm, I was asking, “Is Sky not willing to show the Nigerian players because everybody was praising them and concluding that the Nigerian players gave a very good account of their soccer dexterity.

As the reader would bear me witness, the Western Media generally, hardly report anything positive about Nigeria, and by extension, continental Africa – “is this then the reason Sky is not showing the scenes of the match?” I had again asked myself.

Having no answer to offer myself, I afterward left my residence for a walk as is customary of me to do, at exactly 17:-00 UK time, and came in at exactly 20:00, UK time.

Taking my seat, I said a short prayer and then switched on my TV to Channel 233. Lo, and behold, on there, was a snapshot of the very ugly, barbaric, and bestial scenes, where whatever be her name – Lauren James aggressively and bestially stamped on the back of Ms Michelle Alozie. But did she think the civilized world would applaud her jungle-like bestiality?

Expectedly I screamed out: “Why(?)!” “Why? (!)” “Why? (!).

Whilst waiting for the full story, I quickly raced back ‘home’ – to see how Nigerian newspapers have reported those scenes, but not surprising, in all the papers I had checked – The Guardian, where I had worked and shone as a Staff Reporter, The Punch, where I had also worked, Vanguard, The Cable, Sahara Reporters, The Daily Post, none has reported the Laurenian or the Jamesian bestiality or brutishness or aggression/violence.

Excepting, The Guardian, the other papers mentioned above, had no story on the Match between the Falcons and the Lionesses, unless the story was tucked somewhere on the Sports page.

As an enthusiastic and a close watcher of the media in Nigeria, I can confirm that the news gathering business of the media in Nigeria is still pre-historic in nature, and to put it very mildly, analogic!

The rapidity or the lightning speed with which Western media change news items 24/7 in the Internet Age is totally lacking amongst the media in Nigeria. Yet, in passing this verdict on my colleagues back home, I must say that with all sense of responsibility, I arrive at this conclusion, taking cognizance of all the constraints that they often do face 24/7, in comparison with their Western media counterparts, including non-payment of salaries, which has  made many a journalist in Nigeria compromised themselves - doing cattle egrets, MORE BLESSINGS SAH (!) and political attachments.

But can any editor in that country worth their salt issue written queries to their reporters/correspondents why they were all far, far behind in reporting the ongoing FIFA Female World Cup Tournament in Brisbane like their counterparts in the West as in the Age of the Internet – 24/7 news coverage era, news outlets/sources have widened and expanded beyond any human imagination?

And regarding Ms James, firstly, I have so many things to say to her, but I will hold back because I belong to the two great Countries – Nigeria and Great Britain, and I have come to see my self over the years as an ambassador for the two great nations.

But why did Ms James do that which she did to her own very natural sister, the Atlantic, notwithstanding?

Some people have explained her barbarism as the result of fatigue or stress and frustration, but does not wisdom counsel self-restraint and circumspection during the heat - the frustration of the moment?

Secondly, because of her age as in my roots, which too unarguably, is Ms Lauren James’ roots, although, most persons of African ancestry on this side the Atlantic can go violent if you link them with their original/authentic African roots – in which case, like others of her ilk, she too is either in denial of her African roots or she has lost it for a mess of pottage like the Biblical Esau - she is still a mere child.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lauren Elizabeth James (born 29 September 2001) is an English professional footballer who plays as a forward for Women's Super League club Chelsea and the England women's national team.

Early life and education

Lauren Elizabeth James was born on 29 September 2001 in London.[2] She is of Grenadian and Dominican descent through her father, and English descent through her mother.[3][4]

She attended Whitton School in Whitton, London.[5]

Lauren James - Wikipedia, accessed: 07/08/2023.

Thirdly, why did the Sky news not show the scenes of the Laurenian aggression against her own very biological sister/cousin very early enough?

Fourthly, the best antidote for that bestiality of hers is not a global condemnation as such, but an invitation home to Nigeria/Africa by both Ms Michelle Alozie and ReBAT (Remi Bola Ahmed Tinubu), who like her husband is regarded by this writer as the ILLEGITIMATE FIRST LADY OF NIGERIA (IFLON) as this will reconnect Ms Omowale Lauren James to her African roots, because right now, she is a mere pendulum, hanging between the sky and the earth, but belongs to neither, just like others of her ilk, among whom are our brothers and sisters on this side of the Atlantic, who prefer bearing Asian and Western names to African names, and would never, ever have anything to do with Africa/Africans!

The purpose of the joint invite by first, Ms Michelle Alozie, and ReBAT is to give Ms James a proper home training, starting with lessons in proper manners that will make her fit into the human society – the lessons should include teaching her how to be both human and humane, so that henceforth, she will learn how to treat her fellow human beings as she would herself love to be treated, including receiving a great lesson in SELF-IDENTITY, which should be extended to every Caribbean and all persons of African descent, who never accept their AFRICAN ROOTS, AFRICAN IDENTITY OR AFRICANESS, and by so doing, ignore the eternal wisdom of Brother Peter Tosh: “No matter where you come from….”

Lastly, Lauren must learn that more than competitive religions that have over-emphasised the differences in human society, sports, and foremost, soccer, has united the world and all humanity more than anything and anyone else.

Therefore, she should always, whether in moments of anger or tranquillity, comport herself as an ambassador for peace, unity, justice, destined to spread love to every little corner of the globe, starting from her own very little corner.

Yet, the heavens will not forgive me, if I fail to ask Ms Lauren James this one question on behalf of our ancestors and posterity: WHAT STORY/INFORMATION DOES SHE HAVE ABOUT AFRICA/AFRICANS?

But will she after this ugliness, embark on a mea culpa, and enlist herself as both a beacon of light and hope for and in the world?

And let all the world join me to confess: Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.


Oya, Brother Tosh, come sing for our sister, Omowale Lauren James o ja re:

Don't care where you come from
As long as you're a black man, you're an African
No mind your nationality
You have got the identity of an African

'Cause if you come from Clarendon
(You are an African)
And if you come from Portland
(You are an African)
And if you come from Westmoreland, you're an African

So don't care where you come from
As long as you're a black man, you're an African
No mind your nationality
You have got the identity of an African

'Cause if you come from Trinidad
(You are an African)
And if you come from Nassau
(You are an African)
And if you come from Cuba, you're an African

So don't care where you come from
As long as you're a black man, you're an African
No mind your complexion
There is no rejection, you're an African

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'Cause if your 'plexion high, high, high
If your 'plexion low, low
And if your 'plexion in between, you're an African

So don't care where you come from
As long as you're a black man, you're an African
No mind denomination
That is only segregation, you're an African

Cause if you go to the Catholic
(You are an African)
And if you go to the Methodist
(You are an African)
And if you go to the Church of Gods, you're an African

So don't care where you come from
As long as you're a black man, you're an African
No mind your nationality
You have got the identity of an African

Cause if you come from Brixton
(You are an African)
And if you come from Weesday
(You are an African)
And if you come from Wingstead
(You are an African)

And if you come from Bronx
(You are an African)
And if you come from Brooklyn
(You are an African)

And if you come from Queens
(You are an African)
And if you come from Manhattan
(You are an African)

And if you come from Canada
(You are an African)
And if you come from Miami
(You are an African)

And if you come from Switzerland
(You are an African)
And if you come from Germany
(You are an African)

And if you come from Russia
(You are an African)
And if you come from Taiwan
(You are an African)


Peter Tosh – African Lyrics | Genius Lyrics. Accessed: 07/08/2023.

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