A treatise on pastoral jihadism, islamism, arabism and cultural imperialism in Nigeria
(Ephesians 5:14)
Map of Nigeria
Map of Nigeriaghanistan
Senator Gun mi ni iso in the dock! Go! Go! Go, thou highly depraved of the earth. Go!
If We Must Die
If we must die, let it not be like hogs
Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot,
While round us bark the mad and hungry dogs,
Making their mock at our accursèd lot.
If we must die, O let us nobly die,
So that our precious blood may not be shed
In vain; then even the monsters we defy
Shall be constrained to honor us though dead!
O kinsmen! we must meet the common foe!
Though far outnumbered let us show us brave,
And for their thousand blows deal one death-blow!
What though before us lies the open grave?
Like men we'll face the murderous, cowardly pack,
Pressed to the wall, dying, but fighting back!
- Claude McKay
⦁ Boko Haram
⦁ Boko Haram have been trying to access the East in herdsmen's clothing, hence the violence in the Eastern plank of the Middle Belt - Agatu, the current FIELD OF BLOOD and many, many, many that have been planned and will soon be unleashed on innocent Nigerians - they have completed plans to overwhelm the security agencies with the force of an INTRACTABLE TSUNNAMI!
⦁ Herdsmen killing farmers and destroying their crops just in order to grab their God-given lands, cause unprecedented famine amongst their victims, so as to subsequently lord it over and take economic advantage over them.
⦁ Sabotaging the largest economy in sub-Saharan Africa through the activities of illiterate Mallams operating at the Black Market on behalf of their elite brothers and sisters in palaces, in banks including the Cental Bank of Nigeria, the military, the police, the civil service - Federal and States, the Presidency, the so-called National Assembly, in businesses, etc, etc.
⦁ Entrusting the commonwealth in the hands of the few in GIDA UTHMAN DAN FODIO, their cronnies and sympathisers by way of consolidated wealth in these few hands and by way of oil blocks in these same hands, instead of encouraging economic liberalism tempered by fiscal discipline.
⦁ Calculated and deliberate destruction of education in Nigeria, fearing the so-called "Southern rush" for education and rapid development in order to slow down progress in the South.
⦁ Forceful conversion of Nigerians to Islam, particularly under-aged Nigerians and in some cases, using them for ritual purposes in order to become stupendously wealthy;
⦁ Their refusal and non-recognition of other Nigerians as a necessary and a major part of themselves for purposes of harmony and peaceful co-existence and a functional Federation.
⦁ CULTURAL IMPERIALISM such as forcing people to speak the Hausa language, a situation which has led to the extinction of thousands of indigenous minority languages both in the core North and in the Belt - more, as a former Barracks boy, I can report to my readers that speaking Hausa fluently by the so-called Nigeria Army, which in reality is non-existent, but THE ARMY IN NIGERIA, THE ARMED FORCES IN NIGERIA, is a key that opens doors for promotions, going on courses, being in the good book of officers who were and still MOSTLY Hausas and Fulanis, popularly known as AREWA/GAMJI OFFICERS.
What is worse, the so-called NIGERIAN DEFENCE ACADEMY is nothing, but NORTHERN DEFENCE ACADEMY - and I did tell the late General M.B. Haladu so as his guest then in his position as the Commandant of the so-called NIGERIA DEFENCE ACADEMY - even though he did not like it, I quickly in his office without moving out to find the reasons for my declaring so, pointed my fore finger to the direction of the gold-plated wooden board containing the list of the names of all the indigenous Commandants, after the departure of the colonialists, plus so many issues of concerns I had raised with him about the Academy, the Armed Forces including promotions which till date come from PALACES and NOT the army or the military board of promotions. And after having been confronted by me with INCONTROVERTIBLE AND OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE, the late General Muhammadu Balarabe Haladu was to later 'surrender' with his two hands up in his Guest House, at GRA, Kaduna in a private conversation between himself and me about the nation when he acquiesced: "My dear John, you are right, you are very right and I'll give you reasons why these are so", which of course, he did with a lot of pain in his eyes as reflected in the ball of tears in his eyes, heaving a sigh as he was giving reasons for such distortions, anomalies and huge aberrations in a national institution, such as the Armed Forces!
⦁ Thus, my candid advice to lying Lai is to focus his attention amongst others, on the ongoing CULTURAL IMPOSITIONISM that abounds in our body politic, instead of continuously corrupting our Republic, especially this generation of Nigerian youths who have no doubt seen lie- telling as a must-have virtue.
⦁ Imprisoning women generally including under-aged as sex slaves - and the depravity is such that whether those women are married or not;
⦁ Raping women;
⦁ Land grabbing;
⦁ Abducting monarchs of kingdoms of other ethnic nationalities as ongoing in the Middle Belt and in the South;
⦁ Abduction of under-aged persons and other youngsters for marriages and purpose of converting them forcefully to Islam, indoctrinating them, forcing them to speak Hausa and embrace arabism, giving them MIND ALTERING DRUGS (MADs) in foods, using hypnosis, etc;
⦁ And soon and very soon, they will start targeting pregnant women and male children of zero age and above as in the days of Biblical Pharaoh when the Hebrew women were specifically targeted, leading later to the hiding of Moses by the bank of the river by his mother.
⦁ Deliberate dilusion of other cultures' population through raping of their women, killings of their husbands in order to snatch their wives as evidenced over the years in the cases of Ilorin, particularly in West Central Nigeria, and forced to be part of the so-called ONE NORTH; North Africa, where the Arabs in the 7th-15th Century and later centuries deliberately diluted the dark-skinned population - this method and strategy were used whilst the terrorist activities of Uthman Dan Fodio and his fellow monsters lasted and continues till date, including lately, the case of Miss Ese Rita Oruru, countless other under-aged Christians currently languishing in captivity in palaces all over the Upper Niger Area and the ongoing raping of Christian women all over the country, particularly in the Middle Belt and in the South.
⦁ Continuation of the school uniform 'riot' as begun particularly by Lateef Kayode Jakande Administration in Lagos State, without commendable successes by the various Muslim administrators of Lagos State after LKJ, and ongoing in OSUNISTAN under el-Rawolf Araegbeqaeda.
⦁ The Grazing Land Bill meant to create EMIRATES in the 774 Local Government Areas of the country;
⦁ Encirclement of the nation by the Fulani herders under OPERATION ENCIRCLEMENT STRATEGY (OES).
⦁ Using terrorists tactics by the Fulani herders, hired local and foreign mercenaries, jihadists and drawing from the pool of the over 12 million idle-unemployed-unengaged Almajiris whom they often rely on by sending them to kill, maim, destroy and to chase mostly Christian farmers and other farmers away from their farmlands and later populate them with their cattle under the very watch of Muhammadu Buhari, Sultan of Sokoto Muhammad Sa'adu Abubakar III, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi and other very prominent Hausa/Fulani people in high places.
Terrorists generally use fear, and adopting this strategy in the Middle Belt and the South would make people/farmers not to go to their farms for any activities WHATSOEVER. Once this has been achieved, it will give them the opportunity to swarm the people's lands with cattle unchallenged as has been successfully done in the AGATU EXPERIMENT/PILOT PROJECT - and once people can't farm any more, famine of Biblical proportion will set in, thus making the victims become subservient to their aggressors/usurpers and leaving them at their mercy - and they will now be prepared to sell their lands at give away prices to their aggressor/plunderers, including even battering their wives and children - and in resorting to the capturing and beheading of monarchs of other ethnic nationalities, the calculation is that WHEN CAESAR'S HEAD IS OFF, THE ARMS CAN DO NOTHING! So think, Nigerians! Nigerians, think!
Also, I'm not unmindful of the fact that some lands in dispute in the Middle Belt and in the South, particularly in the East have actually been leased or outrightly sold to the herders and their wealthy masters in high places by traditional rulers and prominent politicians, and States that have collected the so-called loans for education and infrastructural development from the Islamic Development Bank MUST 'deliver'.
And all those Governors going to Dubai, which only yesterday was a mere waterless and airless desert to discuss loans or have already obtained the so-called loan which is often tied to education and infrastructural development, must be aware that by this misadventure of taking a choco-coated viper from the East, the corporate existence of Nigeria and its future are being imperilled in addition to helping to alter the character of the Nigerian Federation, religiously speaking.
Also, it is gross irresponsibility not to accept responsibility as the likes of the Sultan of Sokoto, Muhammad Sa'adu Abubakar III, the so-called Northern Governors, the Presidency/the Arewa/DAURA/KATSINA MAFIA Government, the security agencies are doing currently in matters of terrorists Fulani herders in collusion with their fellow jihadists from Chad, Niger, Northern Cameroon, Sudan, Libya, far off East, etc, etc.
So long as they are in denial about the actual aggressors/attackers, the problem will remain unresolved until it leads the nation to a religious war of immense proportion, worse than the last civil war.
Already, Boko Haram and THE NEW BOKO HARAM or THE PASTORALISTS or THE NOMADIC BOKO HARAM are the very swords of Damocles hanging over the head of Nigeria.
Nigerians must once again be reminded that since the introduction of Sharia before the watchful eyes of Olu Obasanjo, the country had already been divided into NIGERIA and NIGERIAGHANISTAN - and lamentably, the higly divisive KING REHOBOAM a.k.a Muhammadu Buhari is not helping matters as he has widened the gulf between the North and South and created more fault lines within the body politic, more than any Nigerian ruler - (1914-Date) - since returning to power on the 29th of May 2015.
Those who said Buhari came back to power after 30 years without a blueprint are wrong! Muhammadu Buhari actually came back to Government with a SHARIA BLUEPRINT or JIHADI BLUEPRINT or THE ISLAMIFICATION OF NIGERIA BLUEPRINT or THE ISLAMIST BLUEPRINT or ARABISM BLUEPRINT or THE MIDDLE EASTERN BLUEPRINT or THE GIDA UTHMAN DAN FODIO BLUEPRINT including a hand book/mannual on HOW TO ISLAMISE NIGERIA AND INTRODUCE SHARIA IN FOUR YEARS and these are exactly what he has been implementing, but Nigerians, especially the Nigerian Christian Community and more especially, his ABEED VICE PRESIDENT, BROTHER OLULEKE OSINBAJO are not offering any counter-narratives - and not even any word of condemnation of what that country is being turned into by the islamists in the Presidency, palaces, the armed forces, the police, the civil service, the Parliament and in other high places as currently dominated by members GIDA USUMANU DAN FODIYO, particularly, Muu-hammadu Busharia's family members in what I can refer to here as ENDOGAMOCRACY - Government by one's family members or kins men and women - promoting hereditary privilege instead of competitive performance.
All Nigerians are called to ruminate on the impending religious crises, which have the potential capacities of putting that country permanently on the path of religious war between Muslims and Christians, Sunnis v Shi'ites - other crises such as the IPOB/MASSOB-BIAFRAN, various militants groups in the Niger Delta, including all of the South South (old, existing and many, many new ones soon to spring up before our very eyes); the imminent revolt of the Middle Belters against their enslavement and killings by Gida Usman Dan Fodio; the revolt/uprising of the talakawas against Hausa/Fulani Oligarchic class; general uprising of the Nigerian workers against the crass insensitivity of the ruling/ruining class; the coming ALL-NIGERIAN WOMEN REVOLT AGAINST GENERAL SUFFERINGS IN THE LAND, in which women will march and appear naked in public places/spaces, marching to the Presidency, the so-called NASS, State Houses/of Assembly; students' nation wide protests; general citizens' volcanic anger against the ruling elites; the revolt/uprising of the OPC - and I must hereby warn the Yorubas and the Ijaws NOT to, I repeat, NOT to allow themselves to be dragged into any war of blame as agent provocateurs are sponsoring idle young persons to incite WAHALA in some Yoruba communities to give the world the wrong impression that even in crises, there is FEDERAL CHARACTER, the very virtue/justice and fairness they couldn't nurture within the body politic! A word is enough for the wise - and it is my candid opinion that all elders and those who do still care about Nigeria should immediately kick-start a NATIONAL PEACE DIALOGUE/NATIONAL NIP-IN-THE BUD DIALOGUE/NATIONAL PRE-EMPTIVE/PREVENTATIVE DIALOGUE/UNITY DIALOGUE in order to quickly arrest the current drift of the ship of State under the grossly incompetent Captain Muhammadu Buhari, who no doubt is the wrongest man on the driver's seat in today's Nigeria!
Hark! There goeth the bugle sound! Hark! The bugle sound! O the bugle sound!
It was heart-warming reading His Eminence, the Sultan of Sokoto Muhammadu Sa'adu Abubakar III, saying: WE ARE BROTHERS FROM ADAM AND EVE.
But why did Sa'adu Abubakar III leave out the womenfolk? That statement should have been: WE ARE BROTHERS AND SISTERS FROM ADAM AND EVE. Were it here in the West, he would have received a strong bashing from our feminist sisters as such sociological generic belonged to the medieval era - and in English Grammar, there is what is called DE-SEXIZATION!
Whilst it can be unarguably deduced that generally, the Sultan of Sokoto does not care about the lives of other Nigerians, particularly the Christians being killed by members of his ethnic nationality - the Fulbes, otherwise known as the Fulani herders or the Bororos, he is the more crassly and inhumanely insensitive when it comes to the gruesome killings/hacking down of women, including all the under-aged boys and girls, especially school-going age girls currently being held in captivity in virtually all the palaces up North against their wish and be forced to convert to Islam, some times through issuance of death threats to these minors - but do we still have the UNICEF on our planet earth to be alive to their responsibility to the global minors, especially the ones in Nigeria under reference?
But where was Sa'adu when Gideon Akaluka was bestially beheaded by the members of his faith; where was Sa'adu when Ifeoma Daniel was issued fatua; where was Sa'adu when Mrs Bridget Agbahime was beheaded for the so-called alleged blasphemy against the founder of his religion; where, where, just where was Sa'adu when Mrs Eunice Olawale was hacked to death in Abuja - the ONLY place Nigerians can call their NATIONAL RENDEZVOU & NATIONAL COMMON or NATIONAL INHERITANCE, which the whole wide world do testify and give their whole-hearted support as truly the ONLY place in the Nigerian Federation, that no ethnicist can refer to them as "settlers" and "strangers" and where a trillion Babatunde Raji Fasholas cannot repatriate them; but where was Muhammad Abubakar Sa'adu III when his kins men and women encircled/surrounded every Nigerian community, only to be ambushing and slaughtering them even at nights when they are fast asleep, and subsequently swarm their ancestral lands/graves/occult groves with animals owned by the OWNERS OF NIGERIA, amongst whom Sa'adu is one; where was Sa'adu when Sharia was introduced in some States in the Upper Niger, thus dividing the country into two: NIGERIA AND NIGERIAGHANISTAN; just where was Sa'adu when one Ibrahim Babangida insulted our collective national sensitivity and smuggled our Nigeria into the OIC; where, where was Alhaji Sa'adu when Abacha enlisted Nigeria in the D-8; where was Sa'adu when Buhari unilaterally and without consultation enlisted Nigeria in the Islamic Military Alliance; where was Sa'adu when Rita Ese Oruru was languishing in the palace of his fellow jihadist - Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, only to come out of that captivity pregnant and now with a child and a nursing mother when she should be in the classroom; just where was Sa'adu when over 276 Christian girls were abducted at night and taken to captivity (or palaces?); just where was his eminence when Boko Haram started; where was Sa'adu when one Muhammadu Buhari was making all of his lopsided appointments; where was Sa'adu when the loquacious kidult Junaid Mohammed said Gida Uthman Dan Fodio owns 72% of the land in a country that is supposed to be a Federation, without asking what then did the Hausa and Fulani people federate (give up) to be part of the great Union called Nigeria; where was Sa'adu when members of his ethnic nationality have been dominating and balkanising every socio-politico-geographic space to their own advantage; where was Sa'adu when the OSUNSTAN uniform 'riot' began and still rages (it is on record Sa'adu flew in a helicopter twice at night to OSUNSTAN, so what did his eminence whisper into the ears of Araegbeqaeda?), with Lagos added this week to the 'Uniform war' - and later the cry for Sharia in the South too, a situation which has the potential of plunging the whole country into first, unprecedented chaos, and afterwards, perpetual religious war and does Sa'adu know the nation has on hand currently over 12 million idle youngsters - the ALMAJIRIS, who are not even far from his palace, whom he sees on daily basis whenever he comes out of his kingly/royal chamber/s when every of his children, together with those of the other family members of the elite Hausa and Fulani/Kanuri people do enjoy the best of education in very expensive foreign universities, the best of modern conveniences and the best of life?
Are his eminence and his cohorts planning any sort of education and vocational academies for this our brothers and sisters, whom I'm very proud to call GOD'S CHILDREN?
Here's what Prophet Mohammed himself said in the Surah al-Baqarah verse 2 (144-50) "...hasten to (do) good works; wherever you are..." So when will Sa'adu then carry out this injuction of the Prophet to hasten to speak against and condemn injustices in Nigeria; when will he hasten to cry out against the unparalleled nepotism of the Muhammadu Buhari administration; just when will Sa'adu come onto himself and hasten to take the Almajiris in and around him as THE CHILDREN OF GOD, hasten to canvass good education for them and personally build vocational academies where some of them can learn skills like their counterparts in the South of Nigeria - when, when, O when, I ask?
Once again, Sa'adu can only be a king in Nigeria and not in Saudi Arabia - and as I keep reminding him always, he is the king and father of all persons resident in Sokoto - whether citizens or foreigners, and not the king of the Muslims in Sokoto State!
Whenever commoners in Nigeria are killed - Agatus, the Nimbos and others including Mrs Bridget Agbahime, Mrs Olawale and even when Mr Emmanuel Francis was mercilessly beaten to a state of coma, all the Sultan could do was to shrug his shoulders with his beads raised up to heaven and say: NOT MY BUSINESS!
But when a fellow king like him, Lazarus Agai, the Saf Ron Kulere of Bokkos was killed in Plateau recently, he was there in person to commiserate with the 'Government and people of Plateau State.' Shiooooooooooooo and what arrant hypocrisy!
The Koran I have now in my library enjoins the faithful to be loving, not to cheat, not to dominate, to take care of the poor, not to do or be involved in injustices for whatever reason/s, but to speak out against all vices/injustices in all realms and climes, but I'm tempted to ask Mr Muhammad Sa'adu Abubakar III who like the priest on Jericho Road takes delight in turning the other way whenever he sees the wounded poor, including all the Almajiris who do often mill around his palace on daily basis, which Koran he does read when he can see injustices with his korokoro eyes and go on to defend them and some times play the ostrich or just turn the other way?
Or does Sa'adu like many members of his Oligarchic class hire alfas/mullahs - prayer warriors and seers to pray for him and merely use his gold-coated Koran as a decorative accessory?
Was not Halima Buhari from an almost 99% anti-Western education environment recently called to the Nigerian Bar in Nigeria?
So why then is it sooooo difficult in that same environment for the talakawas' children not to go beyond street, hate, sharia-orientated, begging, killing, destroying, maiming, raping, abducting and kidnapping 'schools'?
Why does the Hausa and Fulani Oligarchic class indoctrinate the children of the talakawas with such wrong indoctrination as: WESTERN EDUCATION IS EVIL. WESTERN EDUCATION IS FORBIDDEN, but send their OWN children Overseas, to every Western nation to acquire the best of Western education and cultures and return to lord it over the rest of Nigerians, treating anyone outside of their ethnic nationalities - HAUSA/FULANI as mere ABEED?
Why is it that in the 21st Century Nigeria, what is good for Muhammad Sa'adu Abubakar III's, Yakubu Gowon's, Olusegun Obasanjo's, Ibrahim Gbadamosi's, Aliyu Shehu Shagari's, Abdulsalami Abubakar's, Sani Abacha's, Murtala Muhammed's, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan's, Johnson Thomas Umunakwe Aguiyi-Ironsi's, Ernest Shonekan's, Aliko Dangote's, Alex Ekwueme's, Atiku Abubakar's, Muhammadu Buhari's, Umaru Musa Yar'adua's children not good for the children of the talakawas - the Almajiris - and the children of all of the poor in Nigeria?
Now that Muhammadu Buhari is consciously/intentionally/deliberately and desperately running what I call ENDOGAMOCRACY unchallenged by all Nigerians, isn't it about time he dismantled his good for nothing Cabinet, throw into the Lagos Lagoon the duo of Kemi Adeosun and Uro Uroma, who even the great Justice UDO UDOMA will not be proud of - or simply ask these useless two to report immediately to Iga Idunganran, where Kabiyesi will teach them how to yump into the lagoon - and in the new Cabinet appoint Halima Buhari, just called to the Bar as the Attorney General of the Federation and Commissioner for Justice, Yusuf Buhari as the Budget and Planning Minister and Zahrah Buhari as the Finance Minister?
Sa'adu has brillaintly put it that WE ARE ALL BROTHERS FROM ADAM AND EVE, but is this the very message that all the nation's imams, mullahs, alfas, muslim clerics are preaching to the impressionable muslim youngsters in all of the mosques in the North of Nigeria - all the Almajiris, from whose pool everybody and institution - cow owners, Boko Haram, emirs, politicians, etc, do recruit and send them out to kill, maim and destroy their enemies and those they simply disagree with including members of the Nigerian Christian community?
Here's God's message through me to Muhammadu Sa'adu Abubakar III, Muhammadu Buhari, the very arrogant Nasir Ahmad el-Rufai and Sanusi Lamido Sanusi:
Having made these very reflective remarks, it must be pointed out to his eminence respectfully that all the problems of the nation since 1914 when the British colonialists were to put the politcal boundary between the North and the South in Lokoja, especially where you have the statue of Mongo Park, it was his ancestors/kins men and women who cried out over their dead body, saying they would not be a part of such a Nigeria, except the division followed jihadi routes.
His eminence and other compatriots who may not be aware of this fact, should study the so-called Sokoto Caliphate map and the entire map of Nigeria as above to see for themselves what I mean.
Thus, in dividing Nigeria into two halves, justice and fairness were buried as the British colonialists were excitedly ready to please their more malleable and cooperative subjects in hope that afterall, what they the colonialists had in mind was a sort of OCCUPY TILL I COME-arrangement, the sort of arrangement which does operate till date in Francophone West Africa. Please refer to: Luke 19:1-27.
⦁ Paedophilic activities against under-aged persons, especially Christian kids and other youngsters who have been held captive over the years in palaces/castles/mansions/suites and rooms in hotels/motels/brothels/guest houses at the pleasure of traditional rulers, politicians, business people from the North and other top notches, etc. A sort of cult you would exclaim!
⦁ Total disrespect and disdain for their compatriots outside of their ethnic nationality;
⦁ Dominating every sphere of the Nigerian life;
⦁ ABOVE THE LAW ATTITUDE (ATLA): The Hausa and Fulani people in Nigeria see themselves as ABOVE THE LAW, hence they do not respect the laws of Nigeria which they often erroneously think stem from the English/Christian laws (the Bible), hence they lean towards the laws of highly theocratic Arab States - SHARIA - which they think they have a lot in common with by virtue of their natural/anthropological origin, embracement/practicing of the same religion, ISLAM and arabism as against their indigenous HAUSA-FULANI CULTURES which had been swallowed up by arabism after centuries of contact with ISLAM.
⦁ I have been asking for over the past 24 years of my investigations all over the Northern States this question: WHAT REALLY ARE THE ORIGINAL/AUTHENTIC/INDIGENOUS CULTURES of the Hausa and Fulani people as ALL they have been promoting and glorying in all these centuries are nothing, but ARABISM!
⦁ The two MOST important reasons why the Hausa and Fulani people don't play by the rule is because they see themselves as ABOVE THE LAW AND SUPERIOR to all the ethnic nationalities in Nigeria. For example, how many Hausa and Fulani people are in prisons in Nigeria, especially with all the atrocities being perpetrated by them since the beginning of time in the Nigerian Federation?
⦁ In the face of the now every second killings of other Nigerians, especially farmers in and around Nigeria, how many herdsmen/herders have been brought to book, just how many herdsmen/herders are currently in prison serving prison terms over such maladies across the country?
⦁ In the first place, who armed the so-called herdsmen and their mercenary collaborators from North Africa, West Africa and the Middle East? Again, where were Sa'adu, Shehu Shagari, Muhammadu Buhari, Ibrahim Gbadamosi Babangida, Atiku Abubakar, Rabiu Kwaso (Kwakwaso), Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, Abdulsalami Abubakar, Jibril Aminu, Ahmed Joda, Junaid Mohammed, Murtala Nyako, who first announced to the nation and the world that the herders had been armed, etc, when the herders were being armed - but who really did arm them?
⦁ Is the holding of fire arms by private citizens legal in Nigeria? If NO, then why have these jihadists been allowed by SOLOMON ARASE (and now Ibrahim Kpotun Idris, the just appointed Acting Inspector-General of Police) to be holding AK-47, which they do often use to make suya of their innocent compatriots?
⦁ When will MR SOLOMON ARASE (now Mr Ibrahim Idris) publish the list of the owners of the cows/cattle generally which these hapless and haggard-looking ALMAJIRIS turned herdsmen and then jihadists do carry all over Nigeria?
⦁ How much do their OWNERS, amongst who are emirs, Generals, both serving and retired, political top notches, palace jihadists, technocrats, business men and women, top civil servants, etc, pay them, and how about paying taxes on these animals? Are they paid up to LIVING WAGES or just the NATIONAL MINIMUM WAGE of £40xx monthly or what form of contract have they with these haggard-looking youngsters they have thorougly indoctrinated and filled their hearts with unparalleled hatred for humanity, particularly the christians?
⦁ The Hausa and Fulani people and the Arab world generally tend to think they and they alone in the whole wide world have a monopoly of violence;
Against the secular nature of the Nigerian multi-faith, multi-cultural nature, enlisting Nigeria, especially in all of the cases as above thus far, without debate and without a nation-wide consultation and referenda as in the enlistment of the nation in ISLAMIC associations, misleading the whole wide world that Nigeria is an Islamic country - a situation which has fuelled the TRADEMARK ARROGANCE amongst the culture - OIC (under IBRAHIM GBADAMOSI BABANGIDA), D-8 (under Sani Abacha) and the recent unilateral enlistment of Nigeria in The Islamic Military Alliance to Fight Terrorism (IMAFT) by the current President, arrogant MUHAMMADU BUHARI, without an iota of debate anywhere in Nigeria, whatsoever, and NOT even by the so-called National Assembly, yet the nation's armed forces and resources will be committed to the Alliance spearheaded and headed by the THEOCRATIC STATE OF SAUDI ARABIA, who involves religion in everything it does. Hence I find it thoroughly insulting to the good people of Nigeria, especially to the Christian Community in Nigeria who no doubt have lost their voices, having compromised themselves and their faith with the previous Governments, for the Minister of Foreign Affairs displaying his crass and stupendous ignorance, stupidity and gross incompetence, defending the indefensible.
In a sane society, why must idiotic Geoffrey Onyeama, a supposed Christian remain as a Minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for a second? Oyeama is in fact, a disgrace not only to the Christians in Nigeria, but the Christian Community world wide, and he MUST resign immediately and hang his head forever in shame!
That roguery and house of shame you erroneously called THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY is not fit for purpose and not good value for the votes of the Nigerian electorate, so must be dismantled/demolished immediately as it is just the real strainer's basket.
At best, it is a house of sharing money, a KIDDIE GARDEN, where the kids therein cry for toys of various kinds. They are purposeless and crassly insensate, hence they glory in purposless malignity. Except their own very selfish interest, they do not have the interest of anyone in that country at heart. They have all prostituted service, dignity, simple sense, integrity, honour and principles for mammon.
It is simply the house of worms, locusts and vultures who do feed on dead things - corpses, faeces and everything the civilized humanity deigns to hate. In a cockney English these words describe them: NO GOOD! NO GOOD! NO GOOD!
In their unparalleled lasciviousness, they have nothing to focus on, but the Nigerian women whom they love to denigrate, treating them as fetish objects, commodities and properties which had continued to be the only sort of debate they have had ever since, given the world the impression it is what they have been elected to do, with one of them stupidly declaring his wives officially as his PROPERTIES.
In recent times, they have descended beyond the acceptable global level of civility to the point of calling themselves true to what they really are - thugs and threatening to rape in a supposedly HALLOWED GROUND OF SERVICE - how low can these knaves and crooks go!
In this wise, will all the good women of Nigeria join me in demanding that these thorougly bankrupt elements lacking self-respect and dignity publicly apologise to all the women in Nigeria for hating and despising them to such an abysmal degree?
It is therefore, my utmost and candid proposition that in a unitary- orientated environment such as Nigeria the legislature as well as the sandwiched-tier of Government are grossly irrelevant, unnecessary, money-guzzling , time-consuming, energy-sapping - therefore, highly dispensable.
Come to think of it, how have the so-called NATIONAL ASSEMBLY impacted the good and common people of Nigeria (?) - I mean these rogues; these sucklings, always crying for their feeding bottles; theses faeces inhabiting that national lavatory; these worms; these locusts and these vultures always, feeding on corpses; these kittens, always meowing for immunity and mouth watery wages for doing nothing, except having phlegms and salivas drooling out of their nostrils and leprous-twisted mouths; these kids, always crying for toys (exotic cars), none of which is manufactured in Nigeria!
Fie! Fie! Thou good for nothing garbage, wasting time deliberating nothing, but selves. Of a truth Nigeria is sure better off without ye, I mean ye all severally! In the name of decency, GO!
If such a serious thing as joining IMAFT which requires committing armed forces, weapons and other resources were not brought to thy chambers to be examined thorougly against the back drop of the nation's multiculturalism/pluralism/secularism, and Nigeria had by the 'decree' of a bloody tyrant now become a member, why stay ye for a second, but to in the name of God and good conscience, be asked to LEAVE immediately that Assembly that has brought nothing, but sorrows and woes to the nation? Go! Go! Go, thou highly depraved of the earth. Go!
***Please read and pass it on!
To be continued.