"And now whereas my father did lade you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke: my father hath chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions." - King Rehoboam in the Bible. 1 Kings 12:11
A treatise on pastoral jihadism, islamism, arabism and cultural imperialism in Nigeria
(Ephesians 5:14)
King Rehoboam Uthman Dan Fodio II said in 2001: “I will continue to show openly and inside me the total commitment to the Sharia movement that is sweeping all over Nigeria. God willing, we will not stop the agitation for the total implementation of the Sharia in the country.” So why are Nigerians surprised at what is befalling them under Buhari's sinister and hidden agenda as being played out currently: Boko Haram; the messing up of under-aged Christian girls by adult muslims, particularly emirs; avenging the avengers; crushing IPOB/MASSOB; sacking of 21 AIGs/6 AIGs, mass sacking of civil servants in the guise of they frustrating his government's efforts; domination of his core staff by those he usually calls MY PEOPLE; entrusting the security aparatus of multi-faith, multicultural and secular Nigeria in in the hands of his MY PEOPLE in utter disregard for national and cultural sensitivity; his MY PEOPLE butchering other Nigerians in their homes under his very watch as the nation's Chief Security Officer; joining of the Islamic Military Alliance against Terror without having first had a robust debate and consutation with Nigerians, the Vice President and their elected representatives; refusing to scrap the Black Market which his MY PEOPLE are using to weaken the nation's currency and subsequently destroying the economy, breaking his fast with security chiefs, his cabinet members and the nation's business leaders using public funds and thus making Islam the national religion in his OWN very warped reckoning; filling his MY PEOPLE in MDAs appointments and other national appointments as dominated by his MY PEOPLE without regard even for the highly islamised and sharia-orientated constitution foisted on the people of Nigeria under a deceptive preamble: WE THE PEOPLE... - still to come: Hausa as a national language; islamic dress code for all Nigerians; abolition of early morning prayers in schools and colleges; the school uniform 'riot' as being experimented currently in OSUNSTAN under Sheikh El-Rauf Araegbeqaeda El- NIGERIAGHANISTAN; oil prospecting in the desert, transfer of water from Central African Republic; using bail out largesse to intmidate rebel Southern Governors to donate land in their States to kick start the springing up of EMIRATE COUNCILS in the guise of grazing reserves/ranches; redistribution of wealth, creating more DANGOTES; making Nigeria a one-party State with a tri-cameral legislature all vested in the Presidency; the Chad Basin Republic, comprising Niger, Northern Cameron, Chad and Northern Nigeria; more persecution of Shi'te Muslims in Nigeria which will eventually turn the country into the Middle East; preaching restrictions; Sharia Court of Appeal and the EMIRATE COUNCIL BILLs a.k.a Grazing Land/RANCH; encouraging Street or Passive Intfada amongst the Almajiris as recentlty exemplified in the killing of Bridget Agbahime and the merciless beating of Francis Emmanuel by the street or domestic Boko Haram, etc, etc.
But has Muhammadu Buhari come to govern Nigeria? A very big NO. He has merely come to divide Nigeria. And the meaning of his CHANGE mantra is: Cry Hard And Nothing Go Ease/Emerge!
Mr Simon Lalong, Governor of the once very peaceful Plateau State, but which has now been turned by the Hausa and Fulani jihadists and their foreign collaborators into a hypra-sensitive, hypra-volcanic zone such that politically speaking, it is now the nation's equivalent of the Pacific Ring of Fire. Idiotic Lalong is helping his Hausa and Fulani jihadi masters just to be in their good book to the detriment of the peace of his people by planting landmines in his people's backyard. Of a truth, only fools do play with fire, Simon.
It is shocking to learn kidult Ortom is considering settling for a cattle ranch under the current JIHADI AND ISLAMIFICATION PROJECT OF BUHAMMADU BUSHARIA as against the so-called controversial grazing reserve, not knowing that the connotative meaning of a ranch in the dictionary of the caliphate delusionists and the Saudi Arabia-led Sunni Government of NIGERIAGHANISTAN, is GRAZING RESERVE by some other name!
This mere suckling on the Benue political chess board does not yet realize that the so-called ranch he is about to settle for is and ISLAMIC EMIRATE as well as the private estates of some cabals in palaces, in Government and in the far off Middle East under the direct supervision of the Sokoto Sultanate to be held as a trust territory for the HOUSE OF SAUD as its very prized ISLAMIC EMPIRE aimed at boosting the religious tourism of Saudi Arabia.
LET US PRAY FOR ORTOM: May our S.O never be remembered by his ancestors who in ealier centuries stopped Usman Dan Fodio and his terrorists gang from reaching East with Islam by chasing them back - and by the children of the coming generations of Tivs and all of Benue State as the man who brought the ant-infested faggots to Tivland and the whole of Benue State.
If Samuel Ortom is a true son of Tivland, then I invite him to cogitate on this one thing as he gets ready to batter away the peace, tranquility, liberty, freedom and progress of his people.
And if Muhammadu Buhari, the chief protagonist of sharia creep in Nigeria and the Islamic Empire does not have something very sinister up his sleeves, why is he in such a haste about this very matter of grazing reserve/ranch for the oligarchic cabal of the Hausa and Fulani and their Arab masters, among whom he is one?
Lastly, it is my candid advice to Sammy that as a Born Again Christian, he must ask God for wisdom, insight, understanding and the spirit of discernment in this very matter. A word is enough for the wise.
More, as all Nigerian Governors in the Belt and in the South seeking favour from jihadi Buhari, falling on one another to please him, so they could be in the good book of this our King Rehoboam, who merely has come to divide Nigeria and not to govern her, they MUST be aware that a choco-coated viper is still a viper and not a dove.
It is only a very big fool that will open a bottle full of acid and begins to drink it simply because someone, in this case, conscienceless and crassly insensate Audu Ogbeh, Ortom's nearest neighbour, has re-labelled it as LEMONADE!
So think, Ortom! Ortom, think very hard on this matter. So also, Lalon, think, think, Lalong very hard about THE BUHARI LEMONADE. To their Excellencies all over the coubtry, now that you are fully aware, will you still go ahead to force our people to drink the ISLAMISTS ACID?
Now and no other time is the time for all conscientious and freedom-loving Middle Belters to start the agitation for the Middle Belt as an autonomous region within the Nigerian Federation.
But will the Middle Belters invoke their bold, couragious and invincible spirit of old, listen to the great William Shakespeare, break themsleves loose from the shackles of islamism and arabism raging currently in the belt, weave themselves from Arewa and set themselves free from the the years of total slavery and subjugation which the Hausa and Fulani people, using the ONE NORTH opium and set themselves free permanently?
Enter, Cassius:
A man no mightier than thyself or me
In personal action, yet prodigious grown,
And fearful as these strange eruptions are.
Enter, CASCA:
'Tis Caesar that you mean. Is it not, Cassius?
Let it be who it is. For Romans now
Have thews and limbs like to their ancestors,
But—woe the while!—our fathers' minds are dead,
And we are governed with our mothers' spirits.
Our yoke and sufferance show us womanish.
Enter, CASCA:
Indeed, they say the senators tomorrow
Mean to establish Caesar as a king,
And he shall wear his crown by sea and land
In every place save here in Italy.
I know where I will wear this dagger then.
Cassius from bondage will deliver Cassius.
Therein, ye gods, you make the weak most strong.
Therein, ye gods, you tyrants do defeat.
Nor stony tower, nor walls of beaten brass,
Nor airless dungeon, nor strong links of iron
Can be retentive to the strength of spirit.
But life, being weary of these worldly bars,
Never lacks power to dismiss itself.
If I know this, know all the world besides,
That part of tyranny that I do bear
I can shake off at pleasure.
Thunder still
Thunder continues.
Enter, CASCA
So can I.
So every bondman in his own hand bears
The power to cancel his captivity.
So why tarry ye then, O you fools of the Middle Belt, do you not know ONE NORTH is to decimate your population, carry out genocide of immense propotion, then seize thy land, establish emirates and entrench Sharia?
My friends and fellow Nigerians will agree with me that the Middle Belt which naturally ought to be the swing region of Nigeria, always leans on the North as a lazy dog would its jaw on the wall before being able to bark or better still, a parasite would lean on its hosts to survive - No wonder arrogant Bello referred to them as "willing tools."
O ye fools of the Middle Belt, O ye once great and invincible Middle Belters, put on that your ancient courage as once known amongst your ancestors; for now is the time to wean yourself from the so-called ONE NORTH and be thyselves, for there's never been ONE NORTH, there's never, ever can be; there's no such thing and there can never be ONE NORTH, but ONE NIGERIA!
Henceforth, there must be no such thing any more as ONE NORTH, but ONE NIGERIA. And neither South nor North, nor South West nor South East, but ONE NIGERIA.
Now also, is the time for the Middle Governors to jettison the so-called Northern Governors Forum and form their own Middle Belt Governors Forum (MBGF).
The geographical zone of Nigeria popularly known as THE MIDDLE BELT which I had given such alternative names variously as : Axis of Political Prostitutions, Axis of Political Pendulum, Axis of Conflict, Axis of Violence, JIHADIS' SURE ROUTE, JIHADIS' ALTERNATIVE ROUTE TO THE EAST OF NIGERIA, the Midland, the Sandwiched Belt and the Heartland of Nigeria is naturally and politically a very strategic, powerful and a very influential zone that equally has the potential capacity to determine the course of events in the nation State called the Federal Republic of Nigeria, but since independence, it has been or allowed itself to be subjugated to and hypnothised by the HOUSE OF UTHMAN DAN DAN FODIO's ONE NORTH mantra and chicanery because of its inability to ask for its freedom, liberty and self-determination within corporate Nigeria or the Nigerian Federation or just to be weaned and set free from the stranglehold of the jihadi-prone/orientated Hausa and Fulani core North as the Mid-Westerners had done by untying themselves from the Obafemi Awolowo's core Yoruba West and got their freedom permanently, hence they are able to be themselves and decide their collective destiny distinct from that of the Yorubas, within the Nigerian Federation, the recent stupid ranking by some idle South Western monarchs, notwithstanding.
The Middle Belt is the only geo-political zone of Nigeria that suffers identity crisis of immeasurable proportion having no authentic interpersonal relationship and direct relationship with Nigeria, their country, but whatever modicum of relationship they have with Nigeria is according to the so-called ONE NORTH PROJECT and their Hausa-Fulani masters, who always marionette, puppet and teleguide them at will and use them as "willing tools".
This was what informed my referring to the zone variously as "Pendulumic", "the oscillating" zone and as an "Axis of political Prostitution", for they go where the bread is buttered or think it will be buttered or where they can gain/benefit, with the Western plank of the Belt oscillating between the core North and the South West, whilst the Eastern, shifts between the core North and Southern Nigeria and the core Belt (Plateau) has been identifying permanently with the core North. The Middle Belt's inability to assert itself like the rest of the geo-political zones of the country over the years has rendered it very vulnerable to their Hausa and Fulani political, social, cultural, religious and economic masters who plunder, kill, maim and destroy them at will and command them to obey them always at their pleasure!
Ironically, whilst the orgiastic, beastly and mindless ethnic cleasing and population decimation project of the Hausa and Fulani people as led by blood-thirsty Uthman Dan Fodio and his equally monstrous gang members lasted 1804-1815, both axes of the nation's heartland as is presently constituted - Plateau in the West and Benue in the East of the Midland then withstood the monsters spreading Islam with force and refused to embrace Islam and arabism and all they stood for, and instead chose Westernism and its Christianity, whilst the Yorubas of the West Central and down South West capitulated to the forces of Islam, apparently after the Fulani slave, Alimi had killed their General, Afonja in 1823.
Lamentably, since the long years of that forced association, the Middle Belters have continued to be treated as mere index of number, footnotes, outcasts, 'jews', social-political and religious pariahs in the Hausa and Fulani's political calculus. Thus, having these despicable views of them, the jihadi-crazy Hausa and Fulani people have over the years of this association merely been using and dumping them, killing, maiming, destroying them, their properties, farmlands together with massive crops fields in order to weaken them and spark unprecedented famine of Biblical proportion, so they become completely subservient to the overall Hausa-Fulani State as exemplified in the Sokoto Caliphate, in addition to grabbing/seizing their lands - Jos North Central, Zango Kataf split to Zango and Kataf, Nasarawa State created by Sani Abacha, a Kanuri agent of the caliphate on October 1, 1996 from from Plateau State to become a State of its own as recent examples, carving out States and Local Government Areas as they had used the military and other so-called national institutions and the constitution to balkanise the Nigerian State in their favour; decimating their population and that of the largely Christian South, decimation of the population of the Middle Belters and those of other Nigerians outside of the Hausa and Fulani ethnic nationality in the armed forces, police, immigration, civil service and with respect to the Middle Belters, these have been going on in the armed forces, the police and the para-military since the Buka Suka Dimka coup of February 13, 1976, and then going ahead to destroy the former dangerous Lantang Mafia, once famed and dreaded by all and sundry in the country, especially the so-called caliphate.
Despite all these gradual decimation of their population, dilution of their population which has been a major strategy of islamists since the 6th Century AD till date, ethnic cleasing, deliberate plot to provoke famine in the Middle Belt and Southern Nigeria through the destruction of their crops and farmlands, using dangerous chemicals, through sexual predatory projects as abduction of underg-aged persons of both sexes and keeping them in palaces for the pleasure of the islamist emirs who have no respect for what passes for the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, which of course, was diluted and doctored by them using the likes of Auwalu Yadudu, and what is more worrisome, despite my agonising cries over the years, our brothers and sisters on both sides of the Midland, just like Nigerians, in the lower Niger, who are largely Christians are yet to see the light, not even with the orgy and intractable raging of jihad on both the Plateau and Benue axes which the naive media in Nigeria had continued to report as HERDSMEN AND UNKNOWN UNIFORMED MEN until I had to open their eyes via my telephone conversations with some media executives and through my writings in the last 24 years to the reality of the resurgence of jihad in the Belt and the South and the subsequent cultural imperialism in Nigeria aimed at expanding the 21st ISLAMIC EMPIRE PROJECT of the HOUSE OF SAUD in the far off Middle East, the cultural transfer project through the so-called Land Grazing Bill, now watered down to ranching, which is still land grazing reserve or emirate by some other name!
The money for all these are flowing from Saudi Arabia, other Arab nations and the Islamic Development Bank which often disguises all these in form of the so-called infrastructural and educational loans. In Central African Republic to which these 'good gestures' have been extended, you have to agree to get converted to Islam in order to benefit from these 'islamic benevolence'.
Muhammadu Buhari was with his "brothers" and "sisters" recently, and I can confirm his allegiance to these "our brothers and sisters" are more than any, if he has any for Nigeria.
We have abandoned our traditional allies - THE WEST in order to embrace darkness, aligning with those who cannot help themselves, whose economies are tied to the immediate families of the rulers - the theocratic States as against the nation's SECULARITY AND NON-ALIGNMENT!
"...for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?" - 2nd Corinthians 6:14.
Currently, secular Nigeria is a member of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, Developing-8 and the Islamic Military Coalition against Terrorism. There's a saying in Africa, show me your friends and I will tell you who you are, hence as the whole of the MIDDLE EAST is covered by the BLACKNESS OF DARKNESS, so is our Nigeria of today.
Come to think of it, do a people embrace darkness and adopt the BLACKNESS OF DARKNESS in order to experience LIGHT?
But where were the Nigerian Christians, where I ask: Were the Christians in Nigeria when muslim-led Governments in Nigeria were despising them by enlisting our Nigeria in all of theses DARK CLUBS, DARK CONFERENCES, DARK SOCIETIES against the secular nature of the country as entrenched in the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria?
Just recently, Muhammadu Buhari the certified agent of the Sokoto Caliphate and the Arab world enlisted Nigeria in the coalition of Islamic nations to counter terror, just where were Christians, the so-called National Assembly, NAN, trade unions, ASUU, our so-called human rights activists, just where was OLULEKE OSINBAJO, the man of the South and the nation's Christian puppet Vice President?
Isn't such a thing as joining a religious association with ulterior motives coated in the guise of the political, first and foremost, ought to have been debated?
***Please read and pass it on!
To be continued.