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A treatise on pastoral jihadism, Islamism, Arabism and cultural imperialism in Nigeria
(Ephesians 5:14)
The Sunni jihadists, amongst whom are Muhammadu Buhari, the Sultan of Sokoto, Sa’ad Muhammad Abubakar III, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, Nasir El-Rufai and other Hausa and the Fulani people are merely out in the 21st century Nigeria, using state resources to take advantage of the resurgence of the global jihad to conquer all the Christian lands/communities/areas/territories which their evil ancestors were unable to conquer due to the fierce resistance put up by the indigenous people against the terrorists in earlier centuries as led by Uthman Dan Fodio – such Christian communities include those in the BAY axis of the North East (Borno, Adamawa and Yobe), Southern Kaduna, the Middle Belt generally, including the whole of the Christian majority South of Nigeria.
“He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.”
Fellow citizens of the world, in tears, I bring to your attention the ongoing ethnic cleansing in the West African State of Nigeria as being perpetrated by the members of the UTHMAN DAN FODIO FRONTIER FORCE (UDFFF), who are mainly of the Fulbe and Hausa ethnic nationalities, erroneously referred to by Nigerians as herdsmen, but who in fact, are the new Boko Haram in collusion with multinational terrorists/jihadists from neighbouring West African countries, North Africa and the far off Middle East.
The world must be made aware that whilst this carnage of immense proportion is going on, the Sunni medieval potentate of the Nigerian State, Sheikh Muhammadu bin Buhari, Al Dauranus together with his gang of crassly insensate ministers, other members of his terrorist Government and the cow owners, who are mostly members of the vampire’s ethnic nationality, Fulbe, have all continued to play the ostrich in the face of the ongoing unnecessary bestial violence and the unparalleled blood-lettings which have turned the Nigerian State into a field of blood with blood cascading from human bodies in Niagara-like speed and profusion.
The world must not fail to note that the ongoing pastoral terrorism in Nigeria is a gory/monstrous dramatization of the age-old script left behind by the notorious terrorist, Uthman Dan Fodio for his descendants who have colonised every national space in today’s Nigeria and are merely UNTO THE UNFINISHED TASK of their ancestor with the total islamification of Nigeria and the subsequent introduction of Sharia in both the North and South of the country.
Therefore, with heavy tears in my eyes and a great sorrow in my heart, and more, as a duty to my country and all of humanity, I dare bring to the table of universal brotherhood the ongoing state terrorism in Nigeria, daring the evil Government of Osama Bin Ladin-Muhammadu Buhari, Al Dauranus to say that it is indeed, a terrorist Government, and that Buhari is presiding over a terrorist Government.
Muhammadu Buhari’s Government is a terrorist Government mindlessly using state resources and apparatus to pursue enthusiastically, terrorist activities all over Nigeria. Thus, what is ongoing in Nigeria right now is nothing, but state terrorism ably supported by the arch jihadist himself.
This therefore, is by wake-up call to all members of the human brotherhood the world over to the reality of the ongoing genocidal territorial expansion, cultural imperialism and linguistic impositionism.
What is ongoing in Nigeria right now is Islam ferociously and mindlessly hunting for new territories in the 21st century, especially those it could not conquer and possess during the monstrous jihad of Uthman Dan Fodio between 1804 and 1809.
All West can choose to go to sleep now, because the blood gushing out of fellow human beings in Nigeria right now is not taking place in their back yards, but they sure will sooner or later witness persistent knocks on their doors at mid night.
Curious, but why haven’t the Arabs been speaking out against all the monstrosities that have been committed on behalf of Islam across centuries against all of God’s children in the nations of the world, even unto this day, as currently ongoing in Nigeria, the rest of Africa, and in and around the world under PROJECT GLOBAL JIHAD (PGJ)?
Receiving Pope Francis, UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, Angela Merkel, Theresa May, Emmanuel Macron, Prince Charles, Justin Welby?
When you pick up a Government and political Science text book, you will find out that they are littered with all sorts of rubbish definitions of a nation - all sorts of crazy and idiotic definitions such as, for there to be a nation, there must be homogeneity of language, culture, boundary, Government, polity, economy, etc, and you then begin to wonder which country in both the ancient and the modern world really fits into this outrageous/bizarre/weird and unimaginative definition of a nation?
And as it concerns Nigeria, every Government and Political Science text book written by indigenous scholars/intellectuals and authors have deliberately and consciously, probably as an outpouring of their frustrations or downright mischief about the non-functionality of independent Nigeria since 1960, made very frantic efforts to dismiss its nationhood status.
This stupendous idiocy has been carried to a very ridiculous height such that in any organised public lecture, be they inaugural or symposia, once the guest lecturer or anyone had referred to Nigeria as a nation, our Mr Know-All Professor/scholar/intellectual would rudely interrupt the guest lecturer, screaming out loquaciously: "Point of correction! Point of correction, Mr Speaker...before you proceed any further, for your information, Nigeria is not a nation", and this professor Arrogance would add: "Please don't say that again...Nigeria is not a nation, it has never been, and it shall never be. If you want I'm happy to give a lecture on that privately, or you buy a copy of my book: IS NIGERIA A NATION OR NOT? This is followed by a mob-like applause from the ignorant, naive and very uninformed audience, all who would now move in the direction of our Professor Sabi-Too-Much to shake hands with him, distracting the whole event!
Honestly, people/s don't have to have anything in common before they can form a nation!
What then will be my definition of a nation within the context of this treatise?
By a nation, I would here mean any group of diverse/disparate people who hitherto had existed separately as nation/s, kingdoms with distinct governments and boundaries, but have agreed to come together to form a larger nation/a new nation/country with a common government, constitution, with a preamble: " We the people...", geographical boundary, vision, a cohesive national philosophy, dream, aspiration, goal, including having a common military - armed forces, but not necessarily a common police and a common language - however, regarding the latter, they have collectively agreed to adopt the least tongue out of the federating units/ethnic nationalities, in order to avoid playing up a potentially dominant language/culture, which may afterwards, begin to lord it over the rest - the other federating units/nations/kingdom or dominate them - or still, with respect to a national/official tongue/lingua franca, a foreign tongue may be adopted as is currently the case in many erstwhile colonised countries, e.g, the current Federal Republic of Nigeria, otherwise known and called: Nigeria.
No doubt, an epidemic of stupendous ignorance has been ravaging the Nigerian landscape such that the various ethnic nationalities constituting the current Federal Republic of Nigeria have been regarding, describing and referring to themselves as nations with each viewing itself as a race.
Before the period 1600-1800, a few of these indigenous peoples probably merited the appellation: "nations" or at best kingdoms, but none is so qualified to be seen and regarded as a race, as amongst the dark-skinned people, there's is just one race - the African race, who for purpose of socio-cultural and political expediency is called the Black race by the cultural jingoists/ethnocentrists.
Also, the Arabs call the habitation or the continent of this great, special, unique and peculiar race who has been the pioneer and custodian of civilizations Afriqiyah - AFRICA, and yet others just "coloured", but what do this very great race called themselves?
Scholars, including historians, cultural enthusiasts and Nigerians themselves often make the mistake of regarding the three major ethnic nationalities of Ndigbo, Yoruba and Hausa/Fulani as naturally homogenous, hence on the surface, those without a deep knowledge of the ethno-geo-socio-politico-cultural nature of the South West Yoruba majority; core North Hausa/Fulani majority and the South East Igbo majority ethnic nationalities do erroneously think are all naturally/biologically, historically, geographically, culturally and linguistically homogenous.
Nothing can be further from the truth as there have always been deep-seated animosity, feuds, quarrels, bickering, squirmishes, inter-tribal and actual internecine wars, resulting in unparalleled deaths of the worst kind, eventuating in mass killings of one another, dating back to earliest migration from the expansive Nile region up to the Arabia Peninsula in the 6th century.
In fact, the early European explorers confirmed it in entries in their diaries and books - in the land of the dark-skinned people, they did not see peace, organization and orderedness, but constantly warring natives. And in most cases, this hold true till date about some ethnic nationalities in Africa.
Racing back home, it is therefore, the onus of this treatise to disprove the idea of a state of nirvana, including cultural, social, political, psychological and geographical homogeneity amongst the three major ethnic groups of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and put this pervasive ignorance permanently to rest.
Even though the trio of Ndigbo, Hausa/Fulani and the Yorubas appear or do give the impression sometimes that they are one - and for purpose of political expediency, they do need to patch up things to make them seem as speaking with one voice, but once the temporary goal/objective is achieved, they quickly retreat to their usual cat and dog living amongst themselves as the so-called “nation” and “race”.
Expatiating further, let us look at them on case by case basis:
In the South West Yoruba majority ethnic nationality, there exists such sub-ethnic nationalities as -
- Olugbo sub-ethnic nationality;
- Ijebu sub-ethnic nationality;
- Egba sub-ethnic nationality;
- Awori sub-ethnic nationality;
- Ijesha sub-ethnic nationality;
- Ondo sub-ethnic nationality
- Edo sub-ethnic nationality
- Akure sub-ethnic nationality
- Okitipupa sub-ethnic nationality;
- Ijaw Autonomous Ethnic Nationality
- Ekiti sub-ethnic nationality;
- Owo sub-ethnic nationality
- Egun Autonomous Ethnic nationality;
- Ilaje sub-ethnic nationality;
- Akoko sub-ethnic nationality;
- Ìpínlẹ̀ Kwárà sub-ethnic nationality, (Yoruba Oke/formerly and rightly referred to as West Central, 1967-1976), but which was captured/seized and yanked off by the Hausa/Fulani ethnic nationality, to form Banza Bakwai, known and called the Ilorin Emirate - in principle, a very much prized addition to the moribund Sokoto Caliphate, a chicanery that dates back to 1824.
- The ongoing jihad in all the States of Nigeria, excepting Sokoto, Kano, Katsina and Jigawa States as being carried out by Boko Haram, the militant herders, the pastoralists and their foreign collaborators supervised by the Presidency, Miyetti Allah Kautal Hore under the tacit support of jihadi Muhammadu Buhari and all the palaces/emirates/sultanate is history repeating itself to finish the work of that monstrous terrorist, Uthman Dan Fodio, whose terrorist activities lasted between 1804 and 1809. The notorious and monstrous jihadi Shehu Uthman Dan Fuduye met his Ushongoloo at the Battle of Ushongo, at Ushongo Hills, where the gallant Tivs barbequed him and prevented him and his fellow beasts and monsters from accessing East with his terrorist activities to plant Islam therein!
- The Sunni jihadists, amongst whom are Muhammadu Buhari, the Sultan of Sokoto, Sa’ad Muhammad Abubakar III, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, Nasir El-Rufai and other Hausas and the Fulani people are merely out in the 21st century Nigeria to take advantage of the resurgence of the global jihad to conquer all the Christian lands/communities/areas/ territories which their ancestors were unable to conquer due to the fierce resistance put up by the indigenous people against the terrorists in earlier centuries as led by Uthman Dan Fodio – such Christian communities include those in the BAY axis of the North East (Borno, Adamawa and Yobe), Southern Kaduna, the Middle Belt generally, including the whole of the Christian majority South of Nigeria.
- Therefore, I warn all fellow Nigerians in the affected areas under reference, excepting Kano, Sokoto, Jigawa and Katsina States to wake up from their slumber and resist the monstrous strangers and bastards as our ancestors did and Nigerians must bear it in mind that the local colonizers and their agents such as Innocent Ogbeh talking about establishing cow colonies are in fact, talking about turning such colonies to first, Local Government Areas (as in the case of Jos North Local Government Council created by the caliphate agent, Ibrahim Gbadamosi, now a mere settler in Niger State as against his ancestral home of Ogbomosho) for the Fulbe who will be the proud owners/beneficiaries of such so-called colonies, and later establish emirates, sultanates and Islamic Caliphate for the rooting of Islam in those territories that the jihadists have been taking/seizing from the indigenous people (the most recent being Guma and Agatu) with the subsequent introduction of Sharia in all of Nigeria.
Enter, Taliban Muhammadu Buhari, the clan head of Daura in the Sharia State of Katsina in the NIGERIAGHANISTAN CALIPHATE:
Walahi, I will continue to show openly and inside me the total commitment to the Sharia movement that is sweeping all over Nigeria.
God willing, we will not stop the agitation for the total implementation of the Sharia in the country…Gaskiya ne!
- The overall goal of the Islamists in the Presidency, in State Houses and palaces is to deliver Nigeria to Saudi Arabia first as its Islamic empire to boost its religious tourism, which comes in form of a holy pilgrimage, and afterwards, enlist her amongst the brotherhood of Muslims worldwide – the Muslims Ummah!
- So, wake up, wake up fellow Nigerians and push back the forces of darkness and their financial backers from the Gulf States and the rest of the Muslim majority nations, even the Muslims UMMAH!
Other ethnic nationalities in the Yoruba majority States of South West include:
- Ijaw sub-ethnic nationality;
- Igbira sub-ethnic nationality, etc.
All these sub-ethnic nationalities, including the original Yorubas, which this treatise would like to regard as the original and authentic Yorubas - the Oyos, who of course, are the original and authentic speakers of the Yoruba language as we know in the past and now, have their distinct languages, a variant of Yoruba language - dialects and idiolects, including their distinct deities, cultures, identities, ethos, mores, mannerisms and idiosyncrasies, etc.
Equally, the South East Ndigbo majority ethnic nationality which some have mistaken to be the most homogenous of the nation's federated ethnic nationalities is not so in reality:
- Within the South East Igbo majority ethnic nationality, there are the so-called core Igbo;
- The 'fake'/peripheral Igbo of the Niger Delta, formerly called Bendel Igbo and in today's Nigeria, they are known and called DELTA IGBO;
- Others include:
- Nri sub-ethnic nationality, who see themselves as the original Igbo and would like to delude themselves they have a common ancestry with the Jews in the East. The reader must bear it in mind that the notion of Nri, being the source and origin of Ndigbo world-wide is seriously under contest by other sub-Ndigbo ethnic nationalities, especially by the Igbo Ukwus;
- The Onitsha Igbo sub-ethnic nationality, generally believed to be settlers/migrants from the erstwhile Benin Kingdom and some from the Middle Belt - Niger-Benue surrounding areas;
- The Wawas/Izzi sub-ethnic nationality, with some now in Yala Local Government Area of Cross River State;
- Arochukwu sub-ethnic nationality;
- It must also, be made clear that since the various State creation exercises since May 27, 1967, which this author would like to see, despite the much vaunted tantrum of development and bring the government closer to the people, LAND SEISURE/POACHING/DISPOSSESION by some other name, many, many sub-Ndigbo ethnic nationalities had been deliberately chopped off and included in States like Cross River, Akwa Ibom, Benue, Kogi, Delta and Edo, just as many other ethnic nationalities which hitherto were in States like Akwa Ibom, Benue, Cross River, Kogi are now categorised as South East/'Igbo' under various boundary adjustments, during some of those spurious state creation exercises.
In the core North, taking it as a bloc, contrary to what people think, it is not a homogenous ethnic group as people do erroneously take it to be as there are in fact, many, many erstwhile kingdoms and nations within that geo-political bloc, apart from the Hausa/Fulani and the Kanuris.
Shuwa (Arabs)
Ajawa (Ajawa language is believed to have become extinct between 1920-1940)
Tiv (Not Tiv of the Middle Belt)
Njei (Jenjo, Jenge)
Turawa Bolewa
My reader should be aware that the list as above is in exhaustive as in Bauchi alone, you have more than 55 sub-ethnic nationalities, in Kaduna, there are in fact, more than 63 sub-ethnic nationalities and in Taraba, there are a lot more, between 80 and 90 sub-ethnic nationalities.
***To be continued.
John Odey Aduma was formerly Executive Secretary, Foundry Association of Nigeria; Southern Coordinator of President Muhammadu Buhari's pastoralists NGO - THE PASTORAL RESOLVE; Chairman, Editorial Board of the Daily Times of Nigeria Plc; member, National Committee for the Nigerian Youth Festival, 1993; member, core Committee of the National Technology Summit and was the Summit's chairman for two of its sub-committees - Publicity and Exhibition, 1998; member of the Administrative Panel of Inquiry set up by President Olusegun Obasanjo to investigate the illegal trade in and smuggling of endangered species of wild fauna and flora into and out of Nigeria, 2003.
He was the Chairman, Planning Committee of the General Murtala Muhammed Memorial Lecture for two consecutive years, 2001 and 2002 before it attained a Foundation status in 2002, having first been upgraded to that status in 2001.
General Murtala Muhammed was one of Nigeria's former Heads of State and was killed in the abortive coup led by the then Colonel Buka Suka Dimka on February 13, 1976.
That same capacity saw Mr Aduma delivering huge successes during the Daily Times of Nigeria's 75th Anniversary (in which he raked in N6, 000, 000 into the coffers of the Daily Times of Nigeria Plc) and also, playing a similar role in a similar capacity during Dr Isma'il Babatunde Jose's 75th Birth Day. Dr Jose, doyen of Nigerian journalism was Mr Aduma's personal mentor. That relationship was so close and solid such that whilst Aduma was leaving the shores of Nigeria for Britain in 2003, Dr Jose gave him N10, 000.00.
In 1992, Mr Aduma's contributions to journalism was recognised with the awards of the Nigeria Media Merit Award as the Investigative Reporter of the Year and the Diamond Awards for Media Excellence as the Reporter of the Year, and the British Chevening Scholarship, which saw him studying International Journalism with Specialism at City University of London in 2003-2004.
Aduma is the author of the inspirational best-seller, THE DIAMONDS ARE HERE and the founder of Vigilance, the World's Leading Security Magazine and Scorpion News Corp, in addition to founding the Nationalists Unity Movement of Nigeria (NUMON).
God bless our Nigeria.
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