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Thursday, 23 April 2020 11:04

(PART 9): Porous borders and national security in times of national emergency and unparalleled adversity Featured

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“How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of war perished!”

  • 2 Samuel 1:27.



7 “Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me,” Psalm 42:7.

Whist the Communists tried to purge humanity of God in the affairs of men and women, the humanists took that rebellious thinking further, but it is the Baby-Boomer-Beatle Generation with their unspoken slogan of BREAK EVERY RULE that actually went the furthest, thus making our world and the whole of humanity to be walking on their heads.

The BBBG might not have fully succeeded in taking God out of the minds of all human beings, particularly the Westerners and their gullible followers in and around the globe, but they actually succeeded in redefining the universal human morality or global morality, in which all UNNATURALNESS was accommodated and welcomed into human community, thereby displacing absolutism and replacing it with relativism, hence my term THE BABY BOOMER – BEATLE MORALITY (BBBM).

And in the Age of Donald Trump, the boundary of universal morality was further kicked from where it was left hanging precariously on a moral cliff by the BBBG until it fell into the bottomless abyss, whereupon UNTRUTH AND FAKE NEWS were spewed forth, with the whole world now walking on its head without an iota of morality or spirituality to hold onto any more, thus leading to the collapse of total morality and spirituality, with many Westerners now looking towards the East for salvation!


"Who can understand the human heart? There is nothing else so deceitful; it is too sick to be healed,” Jeremiah 17:9.

Please refer to this prophecy, read and think:

Please the poem by the author on:

***First published on Scorpion on Tuesday, 18 December 2018 00:46

Not Pharaoh, not Artaxerxes, not Herod, not Alexander the Great, nor Caesar, nor Napoleon, nor Hitler, but an invisible foe from yet unknown planet, has been regaling in commanding a stiff-necked and sinful world, whose sins surpass those of Sodom and Gomorrah to be shut down with a lightning speed by leaders of Governments in all realms and climes of the nations of the world.

No time for argument, or debate or a second thought or a reconsideration of its GLOBAL DECREE or GLOBAL ORDER which had been handed to world leaders with a fiat and was to be obeyed with immediate alacrity.

Not obey before complaining but obey without complaining!

This invisible enemy would brook no alternative opinion, suggestion or a counter order.

The invisible enemy is law such as greater than that of the Medo-Persian, and a law unto itself!

And its order must be carried out immediately, lest all mankind will be wiped out and forced into extinction.

The bloody tyrant, pretending to be a tyrannical democrat is no respecter of persons – COVID don’t give a damn whether you are a king, queen, prince, princess, president, head of state, general, Ayatollah, rabbi, imam, pope, old or young, etc.

The COVID-19 pandemic offers a choice between freedom and common sensical avoidance of needless death, and for the first time in the history of mankind, choosing freedom (this time round) is death, but choosing common sensical avoidance of death through social distancing and staying at home, even in self-isolation, is enjoyment of freedom and living afterwards to enjoy it more, and exceedingly more abundantly.

See how cowardly world leaders and clergies and the imams and the rabbis hitherto known for their trademark arrogance and crass insensitivity are going about tongue-tied, quaking and panicking before the GLOBAL COMMANDANTE/GLOBAL CONQUISTADOR/INTER-CONTINENTAL VIRULENT AND RUTHLESS CONQUISTADOR (ICVRC), unable to lead their flocks who have all now run to hide in prayers and supplications to their God to protect them from the capricious gods and goddesses of the air.

See how they all with bended knees, not to their God, but to the unseen-invading army quake and shake like a reed during a very ferocious storm.

Governments the world over are perplexed and confused, running helter-skelter all over the place like a headless chicken in an African village, and the citizens of the world are no less perplexed, and indeed all humanity.

But can someone help tell Donny Boy that diversionary tactics won’t work this time round, even though they have been working for him since his conversion of that hallowed place of service – that awe-inspiring and gigantic edifice of democracy into a boardroom, because this is not the time for any monkey tricks to work.

Donald Trump is a boardroom American Bulldog, a coward and a notorious bully, very insecure in all ways and in all things, constantly throwing red herrings at every national and global issue whenever he is boxed into a corner, and more, for the reason that he cannot withstand the heat of public or national or global scrutiny. Therefore, let it here for all humanity and posterity be recorded that his one and only desire to satisfy his very diseased mind and very fragile ego is to take humanity back to its worst past – the era of narcissism, bohemianism and ethnic nationalism. Americans must in November kick out this nasty piece of work from that hallowed ground of service hitherto known as the White House, but which Donald Trump has now converted into a boardroom or perish like fools.

But why has Donny boy suddenly gone soft like a coco yam leaf, and no longer as strong, bold, seemingly fearless, proud, pompous and as boastful as he was wont to be in the pre-COVID-19 era – rather all his public appearances now convey a message of a conquered man ridden with guilty conscience.

Did the Don know something, or something indeed got out of hand?

The colonial virus - Coro has forced world leaders and parliaments of the nations of the world to enact what this writer would simply refer to as the OPPOSITE LAWS -  Opposite Act, Opposite Order, Opposite Decree, Opposite Edict, Opposite Command, resulting in social aridity, social desertification, social separatism, economic separatism, cultural separatism, political separatism, social disconnect/disconnectism, social dissociation, forcing the peoples of the world into a socio-politico-economic and cultural apartheid.

The situation globally now is, where hitherto the peoples of the world across centuries were told to unite, they are now being told to separate, stay away, keep away, stay apart. Kwenskwently, (Consequently), the new unity is keep away, and the new love is stay away from your loved ones and neighbours – a lamentable situation which runs counter to the Judea-Christian tradition (teachings) – the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and all teachings of the religions of the world – visit the sick/don’t visit the sick; take care of your parents/keep away from your parents/the elderly; come near me and talk to me/don’t come near me, talk to me from a distance; keep away from me; come together to save lives/stay away to save lives; visit the sick in the hospitals/stay away from the sick in the hospitals; shake hands/don’t shake hands; hi five/don’t hi five, hug/don’t hug; let us come together and demonstrate national unity/stay apart to demonstrate national unity; honour your father and your mother, and above all, give them the last respect as they lay dying/keep away from them as they lay dying/let them die alone and return alone to their Maker; invite as many as you can to attend the funeral of your loved ones/keep away from their funerals and don’t invite anyone to attend their funerals, etc.

Unarguably, the whole of mankind is in an Age that can appropriately be termed: THE AGE OF OPPOSITE or THE OPPOSITE AGE or THE AGE OF SEPARATION, where all things are now done in the opposite way and manner! My sincere prayer for the world is: may KORO KPANDEMIC not revive racism or apartheid or ethnic nationalism or lead to/create another brand of racism/apartheid/ethnic nationalism in human community.


Everybody is confused, politicians, the world over are confused and helpless as polities in and around the globe are being shaken by the wild storms of the moment – HURRICANE COVID-19; the peoples of the world are confused and helpless, and in that state forced into a sort of HOUSE ARREST by the Governments of their nations: America is behaving like a headless chicken merely flapping its wings; nations in Europe lie prostrate and appear helpless, and in COVID-19, they have met their match; EU looks as if it has ceased to exist or died or merely playing the ostrich whilst all Europe is being killed(?); Asia is flapping its wings trying to stave off the invisible foe and Africa has lapsed into unparalleled complacency, but let us pray that it doesn’t have the last cry and woe, which unarguably will be uncontrollable for a long time and incomparable at the end of it all. What AU – where is AU in all of this?

ANSWER: AU died on the day it was formed!


Tuesday, 18 December 2018 00:46



First published on Scorpion on Tuesday, 18 December 2018 00:46




We are now in a world without an anchor

And the ship is buffeting against

the stormy gale of the Atlantic.


Everything’s broken down and scattered,

And nothing holds the universe together anymore,

As man has binned God and buried Him

in the junkyard of foolishness

plunging the world into an unprecedented

chaos and anarchy,

yoking all humanity to the dictatorship

of the far-right and their monstrous nationalism,

whilst the social media’s apostles and evangelists

preach their gambit gospel of post-truth,

spreading fake news.


This is our world;

a ship without the Captain,

morality and universal altruism;

a world where everything

has fallen apart and scattered!

Your world,

my world,

our world,

without an anchor-man,

nor the anchor Deity!


Ha, ha! The hitherto loquacious right activists, the libertarians, the humanists who were wont to be screaming to whoever might listen to their goddamned slogan: MAN IS THE CAPTAIN OF HIS OWN DESTINY; all them God-forsaken world media, not even the boisterous tabloids amongst them could now mutter a scream as the invisible enemy widens its grip on every soul and on every nook and cranny of the world, re-writing history; introducing total and absolute nanism in global governance; establishing police states at its pleasure; re-arranging and redefining social norms and what it thinks ought now to constitutes the modern civilization (new world order) henceforth; superimposing tyranny over benevolence, liberty and democracy; keeping every human being in perpetual trepidation; taking down the bill boards of man’s arrogance with all of its erstwhile inscription: MAN IS THE CAPTAIN OF HIS OWN DESTINY(!) to enable the angelic hosts clean-up all the mess humanity had made of this world; perpetually dethroning man, and having his dominion status over the earth and all dem created things repealed for failing to be a GOOD AND RESPONSIBLE STEWARD OF THE EARTH, whilst the angels of death like the unchallengeable conquistador roam the world very freely to distribute deaths to the peoples of the world!

O’ man, where is thy power?

O’ man, where is thy much-vaunted dominion?

O’ man, where is thy boasting?

But Lord, who is man that thou art mindful of him?

Truth is, a world without morality and hope spell doom for the whole of humanity, for humanity is not supposed to exist like a ship on a deep ocean without an anchor, without hope, groping in the dark without light.

My dear peoples of the world, henceforth be aware that life is more fragile than an egg – hold it loosely and it falls to the ground and breaks; hold it tightly and it breaks.


But why are you here? And what have you come here to do?

My warning to the peoples of the world in all realms and climes, therefore, is do that that you want to do quickly, for this life is too short and too fragile!

But why are you here?


Lest I forget, it must not be lost on Africans and indeed, the Third World nations that the mafia that constitute the global governance are capable of all sorts of unimaginable evils, including using political or emerging diseases (AIDS, Ebola…) to check their populations.

But does not the holy book say that the heart of man is desperately wicked?


First in these centuries-long conspiracies to ensure the extinction of persons of African descent were the Arabs, then the Greeks, the Romans, the Europeans and now the Chinese; and the whole West are at it again; the talks of re-colonization is ongoing now in the West as this writer had revealed in many of his earlier articles years back!

But why is the Queen of England still the Head of the Commonwealth of nations, making up of mostly a group of independent nations, formerly colonised by Great Britain?

Wouldn’t it have been better and more dignifying, if these independent states simply form an association having just an administrative leadership, with a Director General or a Secretary General, without having the British monarch or her/his representative as the head as the current arrangement conveys the impression of a postcolonial British Empire – and with Brexit, it does look it could herald an imminence of another round of the scramble for Africa amongst the nation – the Arabs and China, who in the 21st century already have their feet solidly on the African continent, spreading their tentacles as they both battle for the soul of Africa currently through Wahabism/Salafism, eventuating in the ongoing resurgence of Islam in Africa via terrorism, the Islamic Development Bank, Sukuk – the sharia compliant bonds; and as for the gargantuan China with its octopus-like BELT AND ROAD INFRASTURCTURE (BRIT) or what this writer would here refer to simply as BRITISM or SINOISM or CHINAISM, and soon to enter the battle ground for the recolonization/colonization will be Britain, France, USA; and may be Russia and Germany – lest I forget, common ordinary Iran too has its foot on the African soil already through Shiitism, perhaps, to revive the Persian Empire!

The reader must be made aware that what has kept the pioneer of civilizations - the people of African descent going till date is their faith/belief in God, which both Arabs, Europeans and Americans have taken advantage of across centuries; their positive spirits, their dogged determination and their resilience in the face of whatever/whoever opposes them.

Even though having lost billions of their people across centuries to invaders, predators, mass murderers, cultural and political rapists and enslavers, persons of African ancestry have continued to march, and they will march on, and we will march on and keep marching on in the face of the ongoing threats to decimate the population of the pioneers of civilizations, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against this race – our race!

Now, do you still doubt why all these are befallen humanity, with Armageddon very imminent?

But in the post SINOVID will Africa become self-reliant in all things, coming up with a slogan: WHAT CANNOT BE PRODUCED IN AFRICA IS NOT NEEDED IN AFRICA?

The enemies of Africa who do always allude to all bad things as having their origin from Africa; this time round, could not blame Africa as the origin of SINOVID-19! But don’t be surprised that they will soon mount up fierce propaganda to say the pangolin which they had lied to the world carried the virus came from Africa.


What is more, COVID-19 has also challenged the usual stereotypes, proving that lawlessness is human nature or rather an attribute of the fallen man, revealing that there is arguably no sophisticated mind in any nation of the world to respect the law and constituted authority in the absence of law, showing man is just a mere goat be before a tuber of yam, if not tethered.


  • Excessive heat waves
  • Excessive global warming
  • Excessive Ice melting
  • Desiccation of the global rivers/river systems due to extreme weather conditions, mega dams, etc.
  • Bursting of mega dams in and around the world
  • Failings of great engineering feats that hitherto made man to become proud and pompous
  • Excessive sand dunes
  • Famine beyond Biblical proportion
  • Excessive droughts
  • Excessive flooding/erosions never before witnessed by man in any generation
  • Excessive glacial shrinkage – drying up
  • Submergence of coastal and low-lying areas in and around the world
  • Intractable and wild spread of desertification
  • Unimaginable threats to the wildlife (flora and fauna) like never before – more poaching and many species of plants and animals disappearing from the surface of the earth.
  • Mindless uprooting of the indigenous peoples from their roots/sources – indigenous people across the globe need compassion from the world – crazy and wicked politicians and some nations with vested interest in their ancestral lands may seek to wipe them out of the surface of the earth through bio-chem means. Indigenous people the world over therefore, need our protection, empathy and understanding in order for all them to be.
  • Wildfire everywhere, including bushfires
  • Excessive and very wild winds in and around the world
  • More wars – mindless and wars of blame.
  • Extreme human poverty and misery unimaginable in history
  • Human combustibility in some nations due to extreme weather – unbearable heat; surge of heat waves like never before.
  • Global crimes like never before
  • Heightened global jihad leading to unprecedented terror activities
  • More wasting diseases – natural/biological/political with the political and the biological aimed at checking populations in some parts of the world
  • Mindless and very ruthless cyber wars.
  • Increase in the persecution of adherents of some faiths and minority ethnic tribes in and around the globe due to the resurgence of Islam across the globe and crazy fervent of ethnic nationalism – man advancing very fiercely in technologies, imaginations, creativity, inventions and innovations, but regressing to the past at a geometrical rate, where bestiality/beastly tendency and animalism will be the order of the day.
  • Increasing youth anger in nations of the world leading to a corresponding youth violence/crime of unimaginable proportion.
  • Coral reefs to be under serious threats – natural and unnatural.
  • Worsening and pervasive global mental health
  • More divorces
  • Many will be scared to commit themselves to conventional marriage
  • More unemployed, more out of work, more unemployable in the nations of the world.
  • The coming days, weeks, months and years will be a payback time for politicians in nations of the world through attacks on their persons and their families by members of their constituents.
  • Many new discoveries, inventions, innovations, and explosions in the use of human imaginations, for both positive and negative purposes.
  • Water wars will become rampart and pervasive.
  • Many nations and cities shall be besieged by strange creatures – visible and invisible.
  • Man will discover albeit, very late that whilst he has been endangering other creatures/species – flora and fauna, and classifying them as endangered, that it is he, man that indeed is the real endangered species on the planet earth! But when all these begin to take place, don’t be afraid but PRAY, FAST, KEEP HOPE ALIVE, HOLD STRONG AND STAY STRONG, for it is in the spirit of positivity, keeping on keeping on, and keeping hope alive that every pilgrim here can successfully make this pilgrimage.


Fellow Africans, peoples of the world and the Nigerian people, please permit me to lift your spirits with these five-letter Igbo message of hope: ODERA - IT SHALL BE WELL!


Yours in the service of God, our Nigeria and all of humanity.

  • Johnny Boy



** *The Voice of One crying in the Diaspora…proudly leading the NATIONALISTS UNITY MOVEMENT OF NIGERIA (NUMON).

*To be continued.


Read 1776 times Last modified on Thursday, 23 April 2020 11:07